Monday, December 13, 2010

12.12 ~ Birthday Wish

I feel that I shouldn't forget 12.12 every year. Not simply because it's easy to remember,  but it was the date a very close companion of mine was born, 27 years ago. Definitely I wish I could remember every single date that marks the significant occurrence of every important person in my life.. 

During Engineering Dinner ~ 19th September 2006

To Kasfi Mohamed Nor, wishing you happy 27th birthday. Thank you for the support, encouragement and precious moment that we've spent together since the matriculation time, until today. And I do pray the friendship we have built will be lasting till herefater, Insya Allah.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Values of Friendship

Well, I’ve been going through the challenging moments since the last  few weeks, and hopefully it will come to the end in 1-2 weeks time. Sometimes, I simply forget to have my lunch on its right time, though I could still have it at 4 or 5 pm.

In fact, all of these challenging situations that I need to go through have taught me to be more systematic and well-organized. Apart from the physical fitness, it also requires mental strength, excellent environment with no external disturbance, as well as proper guide from the right person. I feel so lucky for having friends and seniors who are willing to offer their kind assistances and guidance to me, to ensure that I am on the right track.

Friends may not be able to pull you up
But friends will still think of ways not to let you fall
Friends are those with us in tears and joy.

Oo.. Allah, please make it easy for me, for the family and for all of my friends.. ameen.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The concept of Idealizations

People tend to associate Science and Engineering with fact and numbers, graphs and charts, symbols, formulas & equations, very straight forward, not flexible.. or perhaps, rigid. Well, how should I say? To some extent, I agree with that statement.. but there are many occasions where engineering concepts are better described using very soft and simple analogy based on the daily life.

One of the analogies that I like most, used to describe the concept of 'Reversible process' as an 'Ideal process' under the Second Law of Thermodynamics..where it relates to our daily life.

"In daily life, the concept of Mr. Right and Ms. Right are also idealizations, just like the concept of reversible (perfect) process. People who insist on finding Mr. or Ms. Right to settle down are bound to remain Mr. or Ms. Single for the rest of their lives. Likewise, a person who insist on perfection in friends is bound to have no friends." -Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 7th ed. p291

Look, engineering concept seems to be very beautiful and attractive if we are able to describe them in much simpler words..

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kampus UIAM ~ Suatu Ketika..

Mata dah berpinar & kepala sudah mula pening akibat lama menghadap laptop dan meneliti borang-borang yg perlu diisi dengan seberapa segera yang mungkin.. Suasana kampus UIAM juga begitu sunyi kerana cuti semester sudah pun bermula, kebanyakan pelajar telah pulang ke kampung halaman. Saya pula mengambil kesempatan ini untuk membuat persediaan terakhir sebelum bercuti..satu proses yang agak meletihkan fizikal & mental. Tatkala semester baru dibuka pada minggu ke-2 December nanti, kemungkinan besar saya sudah pun meninggalkan kampus ini sekali lagi..

Ini adalah antara panorama kampus UIAM yang saya suka suatu ketika dulu.. Tahun 2006. Kini hanya tinggal kenangan.. untuk tatapan generasi UIAM yang baru. (Cuba teka apa yang saya cuba highlight dlm gmbar ini?).



Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kesibukan Dunia

Few years ago, I received a short SMS from a lovely friend..

Sesungguhnya dunia ini sentiasa menjadikan kita sibuk,
namun bila difikirkan semula…
andainya perkara yang kita sibukkan itu
adalah semata-mata kerana Allah
tentu kita akan senang hati..

Sunday, November 7, 2010

IIUM @ BioMalaysia 2010

 IIUM booth at BioMalaysia Conference 2010.

Congratulations to IIUM contingents, mainly the Dept. of Biotechnology Engineering for having won 6 Gold Medals and 1 Most Innovative Award, 6 Silver and 8 Bronze medals. IIUM has won a total of 26 awards (7 gold, 8 Silver, and 11 Bronze medals), the highest among all other higher learning institutions, as well as public and private bodies. Read the details here and here.

"If you wait until your fear disappears before making a change, you will probably wait forever! You never gain true confidence in your ability to do something until you actually do it."

-Secrets about Life every Woman should Know-

Friday, October 29, 2010

Nation Building Course - October 2010

Last week, I have attended a Nation Building Course organized by the Biro Tatanegara for 5 days in Ulu Sepri, Rembau. I found that the course was quite informative, especially the facts about the history of Malaysia, the Federal Constitution, the 1 Malaysia concept and so forth. We also enjoyed having some physical activities and games (but some are considered as 'silly and childish'). 

The most important is that I've made lot of friends from many other institutions, mostly lecturers from public universities. Other than public universities, there were also staff from Ministry of Health (hospitals), Department of Chemistry, Public Services Department, Ministry of Human Resources, and many other ministries.

Some of my group members.. they are from UTM, UTeM, UiTM, UMK, UniMAP, UPM, MOH, and Dept. of Chemistry


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Trip to IIUM Kuantan

On 18th October 2010, I joined an educational trip to the Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, IIUM Kuantan Campus. It was specially organized for the students who are currently taking Bioprocess Facility Design course under the instruction of Dr. Maizirwan and Dr. Rushdi. The aim of the trip was to give clear exposure to the students on how a manufacturing plant of biochemical and biopharmaceutical products are designed, operated and maintained. IIUM is now in the final stage of setting-up the pilot plant for the downstream processing of  pharmaceutical products, which would later be certified as a GMP plant, known as "IIUM Pharmacy". 

The participants..
It was a nice, enjoyable and informative trip. Many thanks to Sr. Syajaratul and all the technical staff there for guiding and helping us throughout the plant visit. Credits also to Dr. Rushdi for allowing me to join the trip. We do pray that the flag of IIUM and IIUM Pharmacy will always be up!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Keep Going, Keep Fighting

I do watch football match (local and international), though I am not an extreme fanatic fan of that sport. The recent match that I watched was Kelantan vs. Selangor. Glad that the red Warriors was able to beat the Red Giant by 3 - 0. What a score line! It also proved that the Red Giant would not always be the winner.

Back in 2005, it was one of the greatest match in football history when Liverpool came back from behind to beat AC Milan in the Champion League Final. They were down 0 - 3 in the first half, but they never gave up. They kept going and fighting till the end even though many have concluded that it was 'game over'.

I read the news on the next morning, and this is an excerpt from the winner's captain, Steven Gerrard, the one who kept looking forward and motivating his teammates to never give up.

"I thought it would be tears, frustration and disappointment, but we kept going and kept fighting to the end."
[Steven Gerrard, The Star 27 May 2005]

So, let us keep going and never give up fighting! And there are moments where the mission has to be achieved through a good teamwork.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hardworking vs. Lazy Students

Again, during my undergraduate time, there was an awareness program organized by ENGINIUS (Engineering Society), consisted of many other sub-programs, dedicated for the Engineering students. I, either accidentally or purposely, had a brochure that was distributed randomly. It contained short messages and quotes, perhaps taken from various sources. One of them, that I still remember and keep until today (I copied and kept on my PC) was the pieces of advices given by Br. Asan Ghani (now Dr. Asan Ghani, Head of Mechatronics Department). It was named "Take 5 with Br. Asan Ghani".

Well, what did he say? These are some of his precious advices.. I simply like it, and I am deeply happy to share with everyone, especially the students, and of course I shall become an official and full-time student again, very soon Insya Allah.

"I love to tell all students that there are no such things as smart or stupid students, but what we have are either HARDWORKING or LAZY students. If we fail in our study, it doesn't mean that we are stupid, but most probably is that we are lazy..."

"The cure for our laziness is TO ACT, TO TAKE CHARGE AGAINST IT. We need to plan in order to succeed. Good planning will help us to surf our path towards success. But of course good planning worth nothing unless we have STRONG DISCIPLINE and SELF-CONFIDENCE within ourselves."

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mengadu Pada Allah

"Mengadu pada manusia, manusia akan bosan, 
mengadu pada Allah, Allah akan sayang.."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Minta Petolongan Hanya Pada Allah

"Dan apa-apa sahaja nikmat pada diri kamu, maka dari Allah-lah (datangnya). Kemudian, apabila kamu ditimpa kemudaratan, maka kepada-Nyalah kamu meminta pertolongan." [Surah An-Nahl: 53]

"And you have no good thing but is from Allah. Moreover, when you are touched by distress, unto Him you cry with groans." [Surah An-Nahl: 53]

Quote of the Day

When I was an undergraduate student, I loved to compile motivational quotes from various sources, mainly books that I read and talks I attended, as well as from companions surrounding me. I would then choose the few quotes that I like most, printed them out and pasted in my room. And those quotes would be changed from time to time, i.e. at the beginning of new semester. 
I was happy to do that. I somehow felt rejuvenated every time I read the quotes, especially when I was in deep gloom. They were just like supplements. And as Muslims, we should keep in mind that Allah would always be there for us. If we really ponder, there are lots of the quotes (Allah's words) in the Qur'an that actually motivate and soothe our pain.

For that reason, I am delighted to share some of the favorites quotes that I have been compiling in the last 10 years. I prefer to put it as 'Quote of the Day'. The frequency of posting the quotes will then depend on my schedule. Sometimes the hectic schedules prevent me from doing it, even it will just take few minutes. I loved to write in a very calm and relaxed manner. That also determines the quality of the writings..


Sunday, October 3, 2010

IIUM 26th Convocation

IIUM is now having her 26th Convocation (2nd - 4th Oct 2010), which means that IIUM has already produced 26 batches of graduands. That also means that three years have passed since we (Class of 2007) received our scrolls.

Every batch (Class) may have its own uniqueness. We would always remember the 2007 convocation as it was the last batch to wear songkok and the classic (instead of 'old') robes during the ceremony. And for me, mortar boards are not bad, of course with the new robes (started in 2008). Well, I wrote something on the issue of songkok 2 years ago.. IIUM says Good bye to Songkok.

I believe that the number of graduands that IIUM produces every year becomes higher and higher. That's a good indicator that IIUM has been well-recognized and accepted by Malaysians and the International communities. May IIUM will keep producing graduands not only better in quantity, but also better in quality.

On the 1st day of convocation..I somehow feel that the presence of the Azman Hashim Complex has spoiled the convocation countryside. Previously, it was the most ideal and nice side for all the graduands and families to having their photography sessions, meeting friends, and so on..

Congratulation to all graduands (Class of 2010) who have successfully completed their degrees here, either Bachelor, Masters, or PhD. Receiving a scroll, especially from IIUM, does not merely mean a success in academic world, but the scroll also carries the amanah from Allah. Everyone of us is responsible to always contribute back to Islam, to serve the best for the development of ummah and nations. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

18 September : Memperingati Peristiwa Penyembelihan di Sabra dan Shatila

Peristiwa pembunuhan dan penyembelihan beramai-ramai rakyat Palestin di kem pelarian Sabra dan Shatila dari 16 hingga 18 September 1982 tidak mungkin terpadam daripada sejarah kemanusiaan, walaupun media arus perdana seakan-akan tidak pernah tahu tentang hakikat peristiwa tragis itu.

Serangan dan pembunuhan di Sabra dan Shatila itu merupakan salah satu daripada rentetan sikap keji yang dilakukan oleh rejim pengganas Zionis Israel atas arahan secara langsung oleh Menteri Pertahanan ketika itu, Ariel Sharon. Sharon menggunakan taktik jahat dan hina dengan mengambil kesempatan daripada krisis militia Palangist Kristian di Lubnan bagi menghancurkan rakyat Palestin yang terpaksa menumpang hidup di kem-kem pelarian berkenaan. Batalion Palangist ini menyerang, menyiksa dan membunuh secara kejam wanita, anak-anak dan warga tua sementara tentera Zionis yang mengawal perimiter kem-kem tersebut membiarkan sahaja keganasan itu berlaku dan menghalang pihak luar daripada memasuki kawasan.

Lihatlah wajah anak-anak Palestin yang tidak berdosa dibunuh dengan kejam. Mereka ibarat adik-adik & anak-anak kecil kita yang tidak mengerti apa-apa..mungkin dibunuh tatkala mereka sedang riang bermain, atau ketika  sedang menyuapkan sesuap makanan ke mulut mereka. Masih lenakah kita dibuai mimpi? Masih inginkah kita menyokong zionist yahudi ini dengan menyalurkan bantuan kewangan secara tidak langsung melalui barangan mereka yang kita gunakan? Fikir-fikirkan...

Serangan brutal dan tragis selama 3 hari itu telah mengorbankan seramai 3,500 pelarian Palestin. Ramai lagi dilaporkan hilang dan terkubur di bawah runtuhan bangunan. Ratusan mangsa serangan yang masih hidup telah dibawa menaiki trak menuju ke tempat misteri, yang sehingga ke hari ini tidak diketahui nasib mereka.

Baca selanjutnya di Haluan Palestin.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hari Raya - yang baik dan yang buruk

Hari raya seharusnya menjadi sambutan yang meriah, diisi dengan suasana gembira dan syukur meraikan kejayaan di bulan Ramadhan, bertemu sanak-saudara dan sahabat handai, ditambah dengan pelbagai juadah yang dihidangkan.. Yang penting, semuanya berjalan dengan baik dan bersederhana, tiada pembaziran, tiada kesedihan, tiada rungutan, dan tiada sebarang unsur negatif yang boleh merosakkan sambutan hari raya ini..

Kulliyyah of Engineering Open House (Aidilfitri 2004).. zaman muda-mudi, bersama salah seorang sahabat rapat. Sengaja mengimbas kenangan Aidilfitri di UIAM.

Yang disebutkan di atas hanyalah teori, tapi praktikalnya adakah begitu? Mungkin tidak.. mana tidaknya, tatkala hari raya menjelang, banyak peristiwa yang kurang enak dilihat dan didengar berlaku dlm masyrakat kita. Bukan hari raya yang tidak baik, tapi masyarakat yang mencemarkan kesucian sambutan hari ini. Berdasarkan pemerhatian saya, perkara-perkara berikut perlu kita sama-sama lihat, muhasabah dan cuba untuk memperbaikinya di masa hadapan.

Saya amat tidak setuju andai ada yang mengatakan bahawa mercun boleh menambah kemeriahan berhari raya. Benarkah ini daripada ajaran Islam, juga adat sopan orang timur? Semua boleh lihat dan baca tentang malapetaka yang disebabkan mercun. Bukan saja berbahaya, malah perbuatan ini amat jelas suatu pembaziran, yang amat dimusuhi oleh Islam (dan disukai oleh syaitan). Orang Melayu kita lebih nampak pembaziran itu dalam bentuk makanan mungkin.. Kerajaan kelihatan begitu hebat berkempen memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat tentang bahaya mercun, tapi saya tidak nampak kesan positif yang ketara.

Saya lihat mercun masih dijual secara terbuka di bazar-bazar Ramadhan (kecuali di UIAM). Para peniaga tiada rasa takut, dan pembeli juga tanpa segan silu untuk membeli. Memang benar, penguatkuasaan tanpa kesedaran masyrakat tidak akan berhasil. Tapi saya rasa penguatkuasaan juga masih belum menyeluruh dan ketat. Jika tidak, masakan mereka begitu berani membuka gerai menjual mercun di bazar-bazar Ramadhan?

Apa lagi bahana mercun? Ya, ia jelas melanggar adat kesopanan masyarakat kita, sebagai orang Islam dan orang timur, yang seharusnya menghormati hak-hak jiran tetangga. Kehadiran mercun amat mengganggu keamanan dan kesejahteraan suasana di bulan Ramadhan dan Syawal, terutamanya pada waktu malam. Waktu malam di bulan Ramadhan yang sewajarnya diisi dengan pelbagai amalan ibadat, dicemari dengan dentuman mercun, tidak kira samada di kampung, kawasan perumahan, malah di dalam kawasan masjid atau surau. Alangkah dangkal dan tidak bertamadun mereka ini yang tidak tahu menghormati sesama saudara Muslim yang ingin beribadat, juga jiran-jiran bukan Muslim yang mungkin ingin berehat bersama keluarga.. Alahai, apa nak jadi dengan masyarakat kita..

Sikap kurang ajar dan tiada timbang rasa di jalan raya 
Alhamdulillah, saya selamat sampai di kampung 2 hari sebelum raya. Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan masih lengang walaupun bilangan kenderaan nampaknya bertambah. Sepanjang perjalanan, pelbagai ragam manusia (pemandu) saya perhatikan. Saya sendiri juga bukanlah pemandu yang sempurna, tetapi dalam keadaan menjelang hari raya ini, saya cuba sebaik mungkin untuk memandu dengan berhemah.. paling penting, patuh had laju (110 km/j). Kalau bukan di musim perayaan, adakalanya saya juga terlebih drp had tersebut.

Bagi saya, patuh had laju bukan saja bermakna tidak memandu melebihi had laju tersebut, tetapi para pemandu juga tidak sepatutnya memandu dengan terlalu perlahan. Katakan kelajuan purata para pemandu di lebuh raya adalah 90-110 km/h, maka janganlah ada pemandu yang memandu dengan kelajuan 60-80 km/h. Pemandu sebegini yang sebenarnya menjadi punca kesesakan jalan raya (di lebuh raya), yang mana boleh menyumbang kepada berlakunya kemalangan. Apa nak buat, memang ada pun pemandu sebegini. Mungkin tiba masanya kerajaan memperkenalkan satu lagi peraturan, iaitu had laju minimum. Para pemandu yang memandu di bawah kelajuan minimum juga patut dikenakan tindakan. Logik tak?

Saya memandu di belakang sebuah kereta Proton Persona yang dipandu dengan agak perlahan (yang kelihatan amat baru), rasanya kurang drp 90km/h. Menyedari tiada kenderaan lain di hadapannya, juga tiada tanda-tanda pemandu tersebut (seorang lelaki) akan bergerak lebih laju, saya bertindak memotong  kereta tersebut sambil sempat menjeling ke arah pemandunya. Wah, hebat!.dia tengah buat apa? Rupanya tengah taip/baca sms (nampak mcm taip sms), patutlah romantiknya bawak kereta.

Inilah sikap (segelintir) pemandu Malaysia, yang boleh saya klasifikasikan sebagai tidak menghormati hak pengguna lain. Sikap ini bukan saja boleh membawa kecelakaan kepada dirinya sendiri, tapi yang lebih teruk akan memudaratkan pengguna lain (yang memandu dengan berhemah). Telah banyak berita yang kita lihat dan baca, ramai yang menjadi mangsa di jalan raya buka saja disebabkan kecuaian diri sendiri, tapi juga menjadi mangsa pemandu lain yang cuai. Kalau pun pemandu sebegini tidak sayangkan nyawa sendiri, hormatilah orang lain yang masih sayangkan nyawa mereka, juga sanak-saudara mereka yang menunggu di kampung halaman.

Sebagai penutup bicara, marilah kita sama-sama berdoa semoga Allah sentiasa lindungi kita daripada pelbagai malapetaka, supaya kita dapat meraikan hari bahagia ini bersama orang-orang tersayang. Sudah tiba masanya untuk kita melangkah maju ke hadapan, mengubah paradigma agar kita semakin maju dan bertamadun, berbekalkan panduan daripada Allah dan Rasul. Wallahua'alam.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Episod Ramadhan 1431H

Saya sememangnya suka menulis..sama seperti saya suka bercakap. Mungkin sikap itulah yang membuat saya memilih kerjaya sebagai ahli akademik. Namun dalam banyak keadaan, saya rasakan tulisan saya lebih kemas dan tepat berbanding apa yang saya cakapkan. Cuma kongkongan masa dan tugasan menjadikan saya amat kurang menulis sejak akhir-akhir ni

2005 in memory.. iftar bersama kawan-kawan sebelum ke final exam - Waste Management & Utilization
Ramadhan sudah pun berada di penghujungnya. Biasanya setiap tahun pasti ada sedikit coretan daripada saya berkenaan Ramadhan. Bila saya selak kembali helaian tulisan-tulisan terdahulu, banyak juga catatan Ramadhan yang saya kongsikan di sini.

Bemula dengan Episod Ramadhan Hidupku yang memaparkan (macam filem pulak bunyinya) kisah suka duka di bulan Ramadhan sejak di sekolah sehinggalah ke universiti (sebagai pelajar dan sebagai staff). Kemudian diikuti dengan 13 Days of Ramadhan to go.., Muhasabah di akhir Ramadhan, dan Bila Ramadhan Berakhir. Mungkin ada lagi yang saya terlepas pandang..  

Dan kali ni saya mencari-cari kekuatan untuk menulis sesuatu, apatah lagi Ramadhan hanya tinggal beberapa hari saja lagi. Mungkin 'Episod Ramadhan 1431H' adalah tajuk yang sesuai. Apapun tajuk yang diberi, tujuannya tetap sama.. Dan harapnya apa yang dicatatkan sedikit-sebanyak memberi kesan kepada diri. Kalau tidak hari ini, mungkin hari esok.. Insya Allah.

Sedar tak sedar, dah setahun saya berada di UIAM setelah kembali dari USM. Banyak perkara yang berlaku dalam tempoh ini. Pengalaman yang paling berharga, saya diberikan tugasan untuk mengajar. Pada mulanya saya berteka-teki dengan diri sendiri, subjek apa yang akan diberikan oleh HOD. Sekali terus dapat Thermodynamics. Memang agak sukar subjek ni. Kalau dulu saya kena study untuk faham, tapi sekarang saya kena study untuk faham dan juga untuk memahamkan para pelajar, yang semestinya lebih sukar. Tapi benar kata orang, cara yang terbaik untuk belajar adalah dengan mengajar (berkongsi) orang lain. Harapnya para pelajar juga dapat menerima saya yang masih serba kekurangan ini.

Alhamdulillah, setelah 2 semester (walaupun semester ni hanya separuh), saya semakin suka dengan subjek ni. Tugas mengajar sudah pun diambil alih oleh pensyarah lain, tapi tugasan saya belum selesai. Mid-term test baru saja berakhir, dan sekarang saya perlu memeriksa semua kertas jawapan. Harapnya dapat disiapkan dengan segera.

Selain itu, saya juga ditugaskan sebagai Coordinator untuk Engineering Industrial Training. Boleh dikatakan tugas yang mencabar, dalam melayani karenah pelajar (yang saya anggap seperti adik-adik) untuk mencari tempat praktikal. Saya sukakan tugas ni. Di samping dapat membantu adik-adik, banyak pengalaman berharga yang saya dapat sepanjang menjalankan tugas ini, juga kenalan dari luar, terutamanya pihak industri.

Menjelang beberapa hari lagi Syawal akan tiba, saya rasa sedikit sayu bila mengenangkan  saya tidak mengoptimumkan Ramadhan kali ini, tidak seperti tahun-tahun sebelum ini, terutama sekali semaza zaman  muda-mudi dulu. Teramat banyak kekurangan pada diri. Ramadhan kali ini juga dirasakan amat cepat berlalu. Sedar-sedar sudah dipenghujungnya.. Alangkah ruginya. Seolah-olah tiada kejayaan yang hebat untuk diraikan sempena Syawal ini..

Moga Allah memberikan kita peluang untuk menghabiskan saki-baki Ramadhan kali ini sebaik yang mungkin, juga memanjangkan umur kita supaya dapat sekali lagi bertemu dengan Ramadhan tahun depan.

Akhir kalam, Salam Aidilfitri untuk semua yang sudi membaca, yang lama mahupun baru. Mudah-mudahan hari raya ini membawa kegembiraan buat semua. Dan jangan dilupakan nasib saudara Muslim kita yang memerlukan tak kira di mana mereka berada.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

LL4G: Have We Ended the Siege?

On last Monday, 26th July 2010, there was a program organized in IIUM by the Journalism Club, exclusively for our beloved Palestine – “LL4G: Have We Ended the Siege?” Alhamdulillah, they managed to bring two of the Marvi Marmara crews: Br. Noorazman Shamsuddin and Dr. Syed Halim from Haluan Palestin.

Some quotes of that day:

"It is not the issue of just delivering the humanitarian aids to Palestine, but the most important issue and mission of the convoy is to END THE SIEGE! Some people (who have been misled by israel) may think that it is good enough if the humanitarian aids can be delivered to the Palestinian, but they forget about the siege as the main issue. By allowing some of the aids to be delivered, the israel and egypt somehow managed to tell the world that they have done their jobs for the Palestine, what else do they want? Please wake up my dear brothers and sisters, let us be united and work together towards the liberation of Palestine." - Br. Noorazman Shamsuddin.

The wall will fall..!

"Boycott means nothing to Israel (since they are sure that Muslims will not be united to do so, and as long as the US keep supporting them), but boycott means a lot to yourself if you do it with believe and hope. May Allah consider it as part of our contributions to Palestine. "- Dr. Syed Halim.

Let’s have some other quotes in the next post.

Another fact that everyone should know is that, some of the Marvi Marmara crews who have been brutally robbed, injured and detained by Israeli were confirmed poisoned by arsenic, a very poisonous element put in their meals during the detention.

And, other than killing your own fellow Muslims in Palestine, you are actually poisoning yourselves and your families every time you buy and “consume” products like Starbucks, McD, and so forth. Wishing you the best of luck then!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Israel just defend themselves?

Photo from Haluan Palestin

Israel claimed that they just defend themselves. That's great! But everyone knows who is the true zionist israel now, except those who are blind, stupid and stubborn to accept the fact (especially Egyptian leaders).

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

LL4G: Mavi Marmara Raid - cont.

This is just a continuation to what I have posted before, on the Mavi Marmara raid by Pirates Zionist.

Based on the story told by one of the LL4G activists, Mustafa Mansur of MAPIM:

While in the detention camp (prison), there was an Israeli woman named "Gullit" (not sure the correct spelling), claimed herself from the social welfare department (is this real?) came to him (after being tied and torture for up to 15 hours, denied food and not allowed to go to toilet for up to 24 hours, with the riffle pointed at their head at all time):

She asked, "What do you feel?"

Guess what was his answer?

"Few days ago, when we were on our way to Gaza (before being detained by zionist), we still had (reserved) a small space in our hearts for your race (zionist), but after you have done all these (brutal and uncivilized acts) to us, you attacked and detained us, you killed our friends.. there's not a single space left in our heart for your race anymore. "

"And if you do not let us free, we'll make sure that you will receive the worst punishment soon as we have network around the globe!"

What a brave and inspiring answer.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

LL4G: The Real Scene of Mavi Marmara Raid by Pirates Zionist

I have just watched a very special live program held by TV1 Channel of Malaysia, on the Freedom Flotilla Convoy of LL4G. The program was named "Palestin, Kami Bersamamu" (Palestine, We're with You). Honestly, it's very rare for me to watch TV1 due to many factors, but for this special program, it deserves the compliments.

All the 12 Malaysian heroes who had just returned home this morning, were brought to this program to share their real experience, being attacked, detained and tortured by the uncivilized pirates Zionist.

Based on what have been shared by Br. Noorazman Shamsuddin, the Head of the mission from Malaysia, I would like to write a short note on what actually happened during the raid of Mavi Marvara by Pirate Zionist. It was the untold, unpublished, or hidden scene where the whole world is not capable of seeing it. I am very sure the more details descriptions will be published soon by our media, Insya Allah.

This was what really happened. Read and think carefully! It is really shameful if any of us believe in what the CNN and other media controlled by Zionist have reported and told the world. It was a total lie by a real liar. The (fake) videos and pictures were out on website. Look here, or here, but don't trust them. They disabled people from commenting.. well, you know the reason. It is very easy to fake the videos and pictures. They thought they are good, but there are still some funny and foolish things they were not able to hide.

- The first helicopter suddenly came on top of Mavi Marmara and 3 armed commandos went down without any warning or notice. All the activists were shocked and thought that they were just like pirates who wanted to raid the ship, rob all the things, and detain all her passengers. And it was on international water (international water means it doe not not belong to specific country).

What would you do if it happened to you? You must be very stupid if you just sat there and did nothing, unless your mission is not as important as Mavi Marmaras'. The activists just defended themselves, as well as the ship from the pirates. They succeeded to capture the commandos and took control of all their complete arms. Guess what? They found a note brought by the pirates, which had listed down names of people that they need to confront (shot/killed on site), including Sheikh Raed Salah's name, a leading member of the Islamic Movement of Palestine. What was that meant? It meant, they came not to only raid the ship, but also to kill those people.

The Mavi Marmara then directed a spot light to the helicopter, which has (or might have) frightened them, and caused them to leave the ship immediately.

- The second helicopter came for revenge. This time, they shot the Mavi Marmara and activists (using life bullets) before boarding on the ship. Those shots were meant to kill the activists since their bullets have exactly hit some of the activists on their head, faces, and abdomen. Remember this, THEY WERE SHOOTING TO KILL! Because of that, a white flag was raised up by activists, but the pirates Zionist kept shooting at them. The pirates then raided the ship and detained all the activists.

To be continued: Lot of other stories shared by these 12 heroes of Malaysia, Insya Allah.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

LL4G: We Will Reach Gaza

I had the chance to watch Malaysia Hari Ini on TV3 before coming to work this morning. They brought 3 guests - a wife and son of one one of our heroes on Marvi Marmara, and also Dr. Hafizi, the chairman of PACE. I was really touched by the strength and patience shown by the wife even though her husband is now in Israeli's detention. In fact, she would accept whatever happen to her husband, because they all have expected this situation before the convoy began. It could be worse than that - death (syahid).

And what Dr. Hafizi said was really motivating:

Br. Noorazman Shamsuddin, our ex-lecturer of IIUM, and also the Head of the mission from Malaysia said this before the convoy began: their mission is to reach Gaza & deliver all the goods to Gazan themselves, not through the Zionist. They will reach Gaza even if they had to swim to the beach.

And the representative from IHH (Turkish NGO) said: We have plan A, plan B and plan C. Plan A is, we'll reach Gaza, plan B is, we'll reach Gaza, and plan C is, we'll reach Gaza!

They are our heroes (taken from Viva Palestina Facebook)

Masha Allah, they are the chosen people. Full of determination. They don't fear Israelis. They don't fear death. They keep their head high because they believe Allah is always there.

It's good to know that the government (Malaysian) is trying their best to free and bring them back to the country soon. But I doubt whether they are willing to come back, because according to Dr. Hafizi, majority of the activists in the detention chose to stay rather than being sent back to their countries.. yes, not until they have delivered their promises, both to Palestinians and to the community of the world. To go there and being attacked, then sent back to the countries is not simply their mission.

Let's wake up my dear brothers & sisters!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

LL4G: Impak dan Muhasabah

Laungan semangat dan kutukan ke atas Zionist

Dlm beberapa hr kebelakangan ini, terutamanya bermula semalam (31 May 2010), bila konvoi LL4G diserang dengan ganas oleh Zionist Israel, pelbagai kutukan, serta laungan semangat utuk Palestin dan kebencian terhadap Israel menjadi memuncak - di Facebook, Twitter, akhbar, TV, blog, website dll. Alhamdulillah, masih ada di kalangan kita yg peka, walaupun amat sedikit, jika nak dinisbahkan dengan yg tidak peka. Malahan, saya kira masih sangat ramai yg tidak tahu, ataupun tidak mahu ambil tahu.

Sebelum konvoi LL4G ini diserang, ramai ke antara kita yg tahu tentang konvoi tersebut? Belum lagi kita tanya apa yg dimaksudkan dengan 'LL4G', siapa penganjurnya, siapa wakil dari Malaysia? Saya pasti, ramai yg akan terlopong ataupun tergaru-garu kepala yg tidak gatal..

Yang sedihnya, laungan bukan main hebat, kutukan ke atas Zionist bukan main keras, tapi dlm masa yg sama masih lagi menjadi penyokong Zionist. "Eh, bila masa pulak aku sokong mereka?", tentu ramai yg akan menafikan. Tapi ketahuilah, segala tata cara hidup yg tidak selari dengan ajaran Islam, samada pergaulan, pekerjaan, kewangan, perbelanjaan, kekeluargaan, hiburan, dan mcm-mcm lagi, bermakna ia menyokong musuh Islam.

Adakah selepas semua kembali 'reda' dan 'sejuk' (apabila media Zionist mengatakan semua telah ok, walaupun hakikatnya isu ini tidak akan pernah reda), kita juga akan kembali 'reda' dan 'sejuk'? Itulah orang kita, semuanya bermusim..mungkin juga 'mudah lupa'..

Saya berdoa, semoga LL4G ini bakal menjadi titik tolak permulaan kebangkita umat Islam dan masyarakat dunia yg tidak akan ada penghujungnya.

Kemenangan tak akan dtg kepada umat Islam selagi mana kita masih dengan cara hidup seperti sekarang. Bukan main keras lagi kita mengutuk kekejaman Zionist, tp dlm masa yg sama kita 'menghalalkan' judi bola, arak, dll. Dan para ulama pula hanya memilih utk berdiam diri. Bagaimana mungkin Allah nak bantu umat ini. Jakim pula masih sibuk dengan intipan khalwat di bilik-bilik hotel, yg berleluasa dan terang-terangan di taman bunga, di shopping complex dibiarkan.. oh, itu mungkin tak mengapa sbb semua org nampak.

"No to Zionist Israel"

Sesetengah 'ustaz' dan 'golongan agama' pula masih sibuk dengan gerakan 'Anti Wahabi' atau 'Say No to Wahabi' mereka. Bukannya nak buat 'Anti Zionist' atau 'Say No to Zionist'. Yang mereka tahu cumalah mengutuk pihak lain yg tidak sealiran dengan mereka, ataupun yg boleh menutup periuk nasi mereka. Amat memalukan!

Buta sejarah

Berapa ramai yg tahu sejarah perjuangan Palestin dlm menentang Zionist? Juga sejarah penubuhan negara haram Zionist yg ditaja oleh Britain dan sekutu-sekutunya? Sejarah yg telah menyaksikan sebuah negara yg telah dirampas drp tangan umat Islam. Sememangnya kita semua buta sejarah. Dan kalau ada yg tahu pun, ramai yg tidak mengambil iktibar drp sejarah tersebut. Maka sejarah hanya tinggal sejarah. Belum lagi nak diceritakan tentang pelbagai fakta sejarah yg telah diputar belit atau ditutup sama sekali, yg mana berlaku juga dlm silibus pelajaran kita di Malaysia.

Juga ramai yg buta sejarah, ingin mengulas tentang sejarah. Akibatnya, jelaslah kelihatan kedangkalan dan kecetekan tahap pemikirannya..apatah lg yg bercakap itu seorang yg bergelar 'pemimpin' masyarakat. Buku/risalah tentang sejarah Palestin pun tidak pernah dibaca, ceramah-ceramah tentang Palestin juga tidak pernah dihadiri. Lebih baik diam kalau tak tahu!

Peranan kita

Jadi apa peranan kita? Saya menyeru pd semua, berilah sokongan pd perjuangan Palestin ini setiap masa, tiada musim & moodnya, tiada noktah & penghujungnya, sehinggalah kita dijemput kembali kepada Allah.

Bagaimana mahu menyokong?

Pertamanya, kembalilah kepada cara hidup Islam sbgaimana yg Rasulullah dan para salafussoleh tunjukkan. Tegakkan lah kembali silaturrahim sesama kita. Jom kita bersatu, jangan lagi berpuak-puak.

Juga, sebarkanlah maklumat & kesedaran kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat agar mereka peka akan isu ini. Banyakkan membaca. Sertailah program dan kempen yg dilancarkan.

Akhir sekali, jgn lupa harap hanya pada Allah, kerana kekuatan dan kemenangan hanya datang drp-Nya. Tapi sebelum kemenangan itu menjadi milik kita, ada syarat yg perlu kita penuhi, ada janji yg perlu kita tunaikan, dan mungkin ada pengorbanan yg perlu kita lakukan. Tanpa pengorbanan dan penat lelah selama bertahun-tahun, segulung ijazah tak mungkin menjadi milik seorang graduan, kerana ijazah tersebut tidak boleh dibeli atau diperoleh dengan jalan singkat.

Saya teringat kata seorang sahabat ketika di Penang, kalau nak ikutkan hati yg marah, nak saja berdoa dan harap Allah akan bagi kita satu kuasa luar biasa, contohnya boleh halimunan ke, boleh pergi ke Israel dan sembelih satu-persatu tentera dan pemimpin Zionist. Tapi kalau kita doa walau bagaimana hebat pun, nescaya Allah tidak akan kurniakan kemampuan sedemikian (hakikatnya Allah Maha Berkuasa mengurniakan apa saja). Kenapa? Sebab itu bukanlah fitrah dan wajah agama Islam yg kita nak tonjolkan, memperoleh kemenanga dengan cara singkat, 'ajaib' dan 'mistik' (yg mana ramai org kita suka).

Selamat maju jaya. Semoga Allah memberi kefahaman & kekuatan yg lebih kepada saya sendiri.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Update LL4G 31 May 2010: 2 Activists Died

As reported by Haluan Palestin, 2 activists died and more than 30 have injured due to the attack by Isrelis helicopter. Yet, they were still identifying those who died and injured in the incident.

So, what say you? Still wanna go to Starbuck, McD, and etc? No problem, keep going and buying their goods, and you will keep helping them to kill our brothers and sisters!


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Isu: Pandangan, Kritikan & Penyelesaian

Bagaimana lah agaknya keadaan saudara-saudara Muslim & juga rakan-rakan mereka yg kini berdepan dengan ancaman berat pihak Zionist untuk memasuki Gaza? Pastinya mereka ini adalah orang-orang yg terpilih, yg cekal hati & semangat, serta sanggup mengorbankan nyawa sendiri demi Palestin tercinta. Moga bantuan Allah bersama mereka..ameen. Doa kami sentiasa mengiringi kalian.

Tn. Haji Noorazman ketika ditemuramah tentang keadaan terkini konvoi ke Gaza oleh Astro Awani


Itu situasi di laut Mediterranean, tapi lain pula di Malaysia ini. Pelbagai isu umum, samada baru atau lama, panas atau sejuk, menghiasi dada media massa. Isu-isu ini juga yg sebenarnya menjadikan suasana semasa lebih 'hidup', juga menggerakkan akal supaya sentiasa ligat berfikir. Saya percaya, melalui penulisan seseorang dapat memberikan pandangan dan juga kritikan terhadap sesuatu isu. Cuma atas kongkongan & constraints tertentu, banyak yg saya rasa belum masanya lagi untuk saya menulis di sini. Secara peribadi, sy suka penulis yg selalu mendepani atau selari dengan isu yg timbul, bukan terkebelakang. Cuma biarlah isu tersebut worth it utk dibincangkan secara serius...bukannya isu-isu picisan.

Perkara yg amat saya tidak puas hati adalah berkenaan lesen perjudian bola oleh kerajaan Malaysia. Ramai juga yg telah menyatakan bantahan. Cuma sy kecewa bila ada pihak yg pd hemah saya ada kapasiti utk memberikan pandangan, tetapi memilih utk berdiam diri. Kenapa begini? Kita ada 13 org Mufti di Malaysia, tetapi kenapa ramai yg hanya berdiam diri (cuma segelintir yg bersuara)? Kalau boleh, keluarkanlah kenyataan rasmi setiap Mufti, dan siarkan di blog (mungkin tidak dibenarkan utk disiarkan di akhbar rasmi). Bagiamana pula dengan badan lain.. Majlis Fatwa, JAKIM, YADIM, NGOs Islam dan juga cerdik pandai kita?

Di sebelah kanan blog saya ini, ada saya list kan beberapa blog atau laman web lain yg saya rasa ramai sudah tahu. Salah satunya adalah blog Minda Tajdid, oleh Dr. Mohd Asri. Memang saya tidak akan 'miss' tulisan-tulisan beliau. Hari ini, satu lagi tulisan beliau yg saya kira amat luar biasa. Mungkin sesiapa yg belum membacanya, boleh luangkan masa 10-15 minit, dan nilailah sendiri. Bagi saya, ia satu lontaran pandangan, kritikan & cadangan yg berani dan berterus-terang. Sememangnya kita sudah sedia maklum gaya bahasa & penulisan beliau, patah lagi yg biasa membaca buku-buku beliau. Saya ucapkan tahniah utk Dr. Asri atas istiqamah & kecekalan beliau dlm medan ini, dan berani mempertahankan kebenaran walaupun beliau mungkin tahu akibatnya nanti (disebabkan banyak pihak yg menentang).

Apa-apaun, pendapat manusia tidak mutlak, ia mungkin diterima atau mungkin ditolak, melainkan Al-Qur'an & pendapat Rasulullah yg sahih (pd pandangan ulama hadith). Cuma harapan saya, janganlah gunakan kebencian & prejudis terhadap seseorang, juga atas dasar sentimen & kepentingan tertentu, atau mugkin emosi semata menjadi faktor kita tidak bersetuju dengan seseorang. Gunakanlah akal yg waras, juga hujah yg benar, insya Allah kebenaran akan tertegak.


Terkini LL4G: Jumaat, 1240 tengahari (waktu Malaysia)

Terkini: Jam 1240 tgh (waktu Malaysia)

Dari ketua misi LL4G-Malaysia, Tuan Hj Noorazman: Kami sedang berada di pengairan Gaza, dalam jam 4.30ptg (waktu Malaysia) kami akan berdepan dengan kapal Israel. Pasukan konvoi LL4G Malaysia dan Indonesia diberi amanah utk menjaga keselamatan kapal konvoi. Dijangkakan komando Israel akan turun ke kapal melalui helikopter dan cuba merampas kapal konvoi tersebut. Pesanan beliau lagi, beliau minta doa daripada kita semua.

Crisis Managent Team LL4G


The info was sent to APH Yahoo Group. Perkembangan lanjut juga boleh diikuti di stesyen TV astro awani dari semasa ke semasa.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nota Hati: Ujian Dalam Kurniaan Nikmat

Pagi td sebelum bertolak ke pejabat, sempat saya baca satu bab daripada buku Nota Hati Seorang Lelaki, tulisan saudara Pahrol Mohd Juoi, yg bertajuk 'Kau, Aku, dan Kami dalam Kurniaan Rezeki'.

Sudah beberapa bulan sy beli buku ini, cuma sememangnya sy akan mengambil masa utk menghabiskan bacaan. Saya suka baca secara langkau, berdasarkan topik yg menarik perhatian terlebih dahulu. Hakikatnya, sepanjang pembacaan saya, kesemua bab boleh saya katakan amat menarik dan mendidik jiwa.. Alhamdulillah, tahniah saya ucapkan pd Saudara Pahrol kerana berjaya menyentuh hati pembaca melalui tulisan beliau.

Allah SWT menguji hamba-Nya melalui setiap langkah kehidupan. Yg mahu saya kongsikan di sini adalah bagaimana Allah menguji kita melalui kurniaan rezeki & nikmat-Nya (ringkasan tulisan Saudara Pahrol). Rata-ratanya tentu semua tahu, pastinya Allah nak uji kita samada kita bersyukur kepada-Nya atau tidak. Ye, itu memang benar (tetapi ramai yg lupa utk bersyukur walaupun tahu akan hakikat tersebut).

Kalau kita lihat ayat-ayat Qur'an tentang pemberian rezeki kepada makhluk, Allah SWT kerapkali menggunakan istilah 'Kami' (instead of 'Aku'). Kenapa? Selama ini, berdasarkan pengalaman saya, 'Kami' disitu bermaksud 'kekuasan' ataupun 'keluasan kerajaan-Nya'. Ye, itu juga betul. Tapi dlm kurniaan rezeki, 'Kami' juga memberi makna bahawa rezeki tersebut diturunkan, khususnya kepada manusia, dengan menggunakan perantaraan tertentu, contohnya matahari, awan, tumbuh-tumbuhan, haiwan, dan juga manusia lain. Alhamdullillah, hanya melalui beberapa minit pembacaan, saya dapat menambah ilmu.

Bagaimana pula kita harus bersyukur?

1) Pertamanya kita semestinya perlu bersyukur pd sumber rezeki tersebut, iaitu Allah SWT. Ramai manusia dikaburi oleh medium-medium yg manjadi perantaraan rezeki tersebut, menyebabkan mereka lupa siapa sebenarnya yg memberi rezeki. Contohnya, mereka menyangka majikan yg memberi rezeki, padahal majikan hanyalah perantaraan.

2) Alhamdulillah, masih ramai yg tidak lupa utk bersyukur pd Allah sbg sumber rezeki tersebut, tp malangnya mereka lupa pd perantaraan yg Allah gunakan utk menyampaikan rezeki tersebut pd mereka. Seharusnya kita juga perlu berterima kasih dan menghargai perantara tersebut. Contohnya, ramai peniaga bersyukur kpd Allah akan keuntungan yg diperoleh dlm bisnesnya, tp lupa utk menghargai para pelanggan mereka (apatah lagi pelanggan setia). Sedangkan para pelangganlah yg mendatangkan rezeki buat mereka drp Allah. Juga perlu berterima kasih pd majikan yg memberikan peluang pekerjaan dan gaji pd setiap bulan. Dengan ini, kita bukan saja menjadi hamba yg baik untuk Allah, malah baik sesama manusia.

3) Adakalanya kita sendiri berada di posisi sebagai perantara, yg mana kita dikehendaki oleh Allah utk menyampaikan rezeki-Nya kepada yg lebih berhak. Dlm hal ini, rezeki tersebut bukanlah hak kita, maka manjadi kewajipan kita utk menyampaikannya kepada tuan punya rezeki tersebut. Jika tidak, maka kita juga tergolong dlm golongan yg tidak mensyukuri nikmat Allah dan menafikan hak org lain. Apa yg kita akan rasa jika kita berhak utk mendapatkan sesuatu, tetapi dinafikan hak kita oleh org lain (yg pada hemah kita dia hanyalah perantara)?. Contohnya, bila kita diberi kekayaan yg banyak, sebenarnya bukan semua itu milik kita. Ia perlu disampaikan pd pemilik yg berhak, i.e. fakir miskin, pejuang Islam, dll. Begitu juga dengan ilmu pengetahuan, ia perlu diajarkan pd org lain.

Wallahu'alam.. moga-moga ada manfaat. Wassalam.

Monday, May 24, 2010

LL4G: Kami Akan Tiba Di Gaza, Walaupun Dengan Berenang!

“Meskipun diancam oleh Israel, kami tetap akan berusaha menuju ke Gaza, walaupun kami terpaksa berenang ke pantai."

Begitulah ungkapan luarbiasa yang disampaikan oleh wakil LL4G dari kawasan Asia Tenggara, Noorazman Mohd Shamsuddin dari Haluan Palestin Malaysia, saat upacara besar melepaskan keberangkatan kafilah kapal kemanusiaan Lifeline for Gaza di dermaga Sarayburnu, Istanbul, siang tadi (22/5). Beliau memberikan ucapan sambutan mewakili masyarakat Malaysia dan Indonesia. Di hadapan ribuan hadirin Noorazman mengatakan, bahawa rakyat Malaysia dan Indonesia telah menyatakan perasaan bencinya kepada sekatan ini dengan memberikan infaq, melakukan demonstrasi, serta memberi dukungan penuh bagi kafilah kemanusiaan ini.

“Tunggulah wahai saudara-saudaraku warga Gaza, kami akan datang menemani kalian yang sedang tertimpa kezaliman!” teriak beliau dengan penuh semangat.


Semoga bantuan Allah sentiasa bersamamu wahai saudara-saudaraku. Amat jauh rasanya jika nak dibandingkan antara apa yg saya telah buat dengan perjuangan mereka demi Palestin tercinta.

Rindu akan kelibat saudara Noorazman yg suatu ketika dulu aktif dan tidak jemu membimbing sahabat-sahabat di Taman Ilmu & Budi ini khususnya.

Let us stop the Zionist from killing more Palestinians, by minimizing (or if possible, stopping) the use of their (and their allies') goods that would contribute towards the welfare and development of Israel.

Sumber: Haluan Palestin

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lecturer: Sympathy vs. Ethics

Being a lecturer (or teacher) is not an easy job. In fact, all other jobs also have their own challenges. Above all, we as Muslims should regard all those duties as amanah from Allah, because all of us would be answerable to Him later. We may escape from any punishment or implication on any of our offense/misconduct in this world (because people may just ignore it), but not from His judgment.

When someone, say a student, asks me for something that they really need due to certain reason (but he doesn't deserve it), of course as human being I feel like I have to assist them. But again, the question is, "is that assistance considered ethical and fair?" or "Am I practicing justice, particularly to other students, by helping him/her?"

Good intention alone is not enough, but it must be through good and permissible action too. In this case, I cant simply help the students (by giving some extra credits) based on sympathy, or because I know him/her very well.

Whatever the result is, accept it as something that you deserve to have, because Allah would never be unfair to His servants. If it's good, it means He wants to educate us on how to be thankful to Him (and continue to strive). If it's not good, that means He wants to educate us to work harder in the future, to give the best that we can, not to take things for granted, and only put hope in Him alone.

Generally, grades given by lecturers are normally more that what the students deserve (based on their performance throughout the semester, i.e. carry marks + final exam). If lecturers strictly follow the grading scheme of the university in evaluating the students, I believe that the results would be worse. Well, that's my own opinion.

Of course, human being evaluate others mostly based on end results. We don't have the capability to evaluate every single steps taken towards the end. Only Allah possesses that Superior Knowledge & Capability. So don't worry, He would always calculate whatever steps, efforts & sweats that we have sacrificed towards the end. And that should always be the motivation for us to strive at our best.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lifeline 4 Gaza: Break the Siege

Lifeline 4 Gaza, or Talian Hayat Untuk Gaza as we read it in Bahasa Malaysia, is a collaborative effort between Malaysian NGOs to join an international campaign to break years of Israel siege on Gaza. We are working along with Free Gaza Movement who is based in Cyprus, IHH in Turkey, MERC and Kispa Indonesia, and other NGOs from USA, Greece, France, Germany, Italy, Venezuella and many more.

The flotilla is expected to depart Istanbul on 15th May 2010, comprising 20 ships and cargo boats to be laden with building supplies, generators, medical equipment and educational materials. They will sail through the Mediterranean Sea, carrying members of Parliament from countries around the world as well as high-profile journalists and human rights activists.

Lets break the siege now, before it’s too late!

Source: Lifeline 4 Gaza

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Cry is Still On: Do We Care?

No mother, no father to wipe away the tears

"The Cry is Still On: Do We Care?"
was the topic of a Palestinian talk delivered by Br. Noorazman Shamsudin from Haluan Palestin last month at IIUM Main Auditorium. Congratulation to the IIUM Journalism Club for successfully organizing such a good event for everyone. The Auditorium was full on that night, attended by both our local & international brothers & sisters, as well as the outsiders.

I wanted to write something on it just after the program has finished, but I wasn't able to do so. Alhamdulillah, at last I manage to say something here. I just want to 'copy & paste' some meaningful messages written by the organizer on the pamphlets. Hopefully it will make us more concern about our Palestinian brothers & sisters there.

According to Br. Noorazman, who has attended several convoys to Palestine, there is no break of attack by zionists in Palestine, though it is not mentioned by the media. It also means that in every minute, days & nights our brothers & sisters there are fighting the zionists.


Together we can bring change.

We are requesting all the Muslims and people of all faiths and opinions to join the boycott to bring about the speedy end to this brutal occupation and restore peace in the Middle East.

The aim of the boycott campaign is to deny Israel the financial means to continue killing Palestinians and occupying the lands. Israel is committing crimes against the Palestinian Muslims and humanity. Palestine is the land of the first Qibla, the land of Isra & Masjid Al-Aqsa.

Israel has ignored all UN Resolutions & Geneva Convention on Human Rights in relation to the Muslims of Palestine. Israel has expelled her inhabitants, spilled their blood, violated their honour, destroyed their houses, burnt their fields and corrupted the lands.

We are seeking your support and co-operation in boycotting Israeli goods and the companies supporting Israel financially. Your attitude, habits & lifestyle can make a world of difference to the lives of million of Palestinians under the brutal occupation of Israel. An effective economic boycott of Israeli goods and the companies supporting Israel financially will cripple (with Allah's will) their military.


I still remember, and I'd always remember a phrase said by the moderator on that night, "The money in your pocket now is not yours, but the money that you donate is actually yours."

So let us contribute something to our Palestinian brothers & sisters. RM1 that we donate here may ease their burden there, give them food, drinks & medicine, or it may represent one bullet to fight against the zionist.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Stand Up - Tribute to Palestine

Last Saturday (6th Fab 2010), we attended a gathering for Palestine, called "Perhimpunan Perdana Palestin" jointly organized by Haluan Palestin & few other NGOs and other parties at Masjid Wilayah, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur.

I believe that it is really necessary to hold such event from time to time as this would renew our concern on Palestine and to give our full spiritual & material supports to our brothers and sisters there, who are fighting against the Zionists, day & night. Yes, people tend to forget when they are not frequently reminded.

Some of the programs held were the speech & sharing moments by the director, Br. Noorazman, who have few times joined the mission to Gazza (he was also there during the latest Viva Palestina convoy), video shows, and special 'amanat' by Sheikh Hussein Awawidah from Rabithah Ulama Palestine.

There was also a great performance by Mu'adz & his group. I've heard about him & his songs before, but never met him. I believe that his songs would have touched the hearts of many people there. They were full of spirit & strong messages to everyone.

One of the songs that I really like.. Stand Up!

So stand up, my dear brothers & sisters! Stand up for our brothers & sisters in Palestine.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

IRIIE 2010 - Gold Medal Winners

In the recent IRIIE 2010 (brief info on it was posted earlier), the researches were put into 3 different categories; Allied Health, Social Sciences & Humanities, and Science, Engineering & Technology.

The results for silver and bronze medal winners were posted in the morning, while the gold medal winners were only announced during the closing ceremony at 3 pm. So basically those who did not receive any silver or bronze medal in the morning were expecting either gold medals or nothing.

The number of gold medal winners according to categories were as follows:

- Allied Health: 3 gold medals
- Social Sciences & Humanities: 9 gold medals
- Science, Engineering & Technology: 26 gold medals

I am not going to highlight those 2 earlier categories since they are in my field and interest. The latter category (Science, Engineering & Technology) would be much highlighted here.

And what has impressed me was (even though I've expected that), out of 26 gold medals received by those in Science, Engineering & Technology, 17 of them were from Dept. of Biotechnology Engineering alone.

That also means, the remaining 9 gold medals were shared together with the other 5 departments in the Kull. of Engineering, Kull. of Science, Kull. of Architecture & Envt. Design, as well as Kull. of ICT.

Apart from that, the Dept. of Biotechnology Engineering also won 4 commercial awards out of 5. What a record!

The gold medals and commercial award winners were as listed below:

- Dr. Md. Zahangir Alam (6 + 2 commercial awards)
- Dr. Parveen Jamal (4)
- Dr. Mohamed Saedi (2)
- Dr. Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha (2)
- Dr. Azura Amid (1)
- Dr. Hamzah Mohd Salleh (1)
- Dr. Irwandi Jaswir (1)
- Dr. Maizirwan Mel (1 commercial award)

Congratulation to all the winners! For those who have not won medals (particularly gold medal), I believe that the results should be taken positively, indicating that they should be working harder. And to the winners, they should keep the flag up, and encourage others to do better in the future.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

IIUM Research, Innovation and Invention Exhibition (IRIIE) 2010

IIUM, for the first time, is now organizing the IIUM Research, Innovation and Invention Exhibition (IRIIE). The event was launched yesterday at the university Cultural Activity Centre (CAC), and will be officially closed on today afternoon.

Last time, such event was organized only by the Kulliyyah of Engineering, not for the other kulliyyah . It was known as Kulliyyah of Engineering Research and Invention Exhibition (KERIE). So this time, I would say that the key organizer is still the Kulliyyah of Engineering, but it is organized in a larger scope that requires participation from all other kulliyyah, including those from Kuantan, PJ and Nilai Campuses.

As the name suggests, this event provides space for the researchers and students (mainly postgrad) from the university to exhibit their researches, inventions and products to the visitors. It is also aimed to attract people from industries to collaborate with the researchers here, so that the inventions can be commercialized soon. As a motivation also, all inventions would be judged (by external judges - mainly from industries) and be given some awards, i.e. gold, silver, bronze & special award. I guess the results have now been announced there.

Me & Zul at the exhibition hall

It is hoped that such a good event will be organized anually..insya Allah.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Rombongan Viva Palestina ke Gaza disekat dan dikepong

Mesir terus berkeras dan tidak membenarkan rombongan Viva Palestina daripada membawa masuk bantuan ke Gaza! Keadaan di pelabuhan Mediterranean Al Arish dilaporkan kritikal, di mana lebih 2000 polis rusuhan dikerahkan menghalang jalan masuk ke Pelabuhan tersebut. Walaupun sudah ada yang ditangkap dan tercedera, relawan Viva Palestina tetap berjuang mempertahankan kenderaan bersama-sama barangan bantuan dan ambulan yang akan dibawa masuk membantu rakyat Gaza yang dikurung dari dunia luar sejak tiga setengah tahun lalu.

“Tidak kira apa halangan yang akan kami hadapi. Sebaik sampai di Al Arish, kami diserang dengan batu, baton, kayu, dan mereka mencuri barangan yang kami bawa. Kami telah melalui perjalanan yang sangat sukar, tetapi kami tidak sekali-kali akan berhenti, kami akan terus bergerak. Kami akan terus bergerak, InsyaAllah,” kata seorang relawan, Munir Ahmad.

Berita penuh di Haluan Palestin.


Semoga Allah sentiasa bersama para pejuang Islam, dan menghancurkan musuh-mush Islam, termasuklah pihak yang bersekongkol dengan mush-musuh ini.. ameen.