Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wake up, my dear Muslims!

David Ben-Gurion, the 1st Prime Minister of Israel said:

"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"

[Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox)]



I support Hamas and all Palestinians for showing no fear against the Zionist. Obviously, the Zionist will never respect any agreement to stop the war. If they do, that means they have succeeded in establishing the Eretz Israel (greater Israel), and killing all Palestinians unless they resign to live as slaves.

Let us together defend the Palestine land to the last drop. Let us fight for the liberty of our Palestine like what Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi and his armies did before. But to surrender, we would never!

Fitnah SMS yang tak habis-habis

Muak dengan SMS seperti di bawah ni yg baru saja di 'forward' oleh seseorang.

"Allahhumma inni as aluqa tahhdy bihal qalbi watajmu bihal fitnati anni.. do'a Nabi Muhammad saw. Kirim ke 10 org Insyaallah 2 jam kemudian kamu akan mendengar khabar baik & mendapat kebahagiaan tetapi jika tidak menyebarkan maka kamu akan mendapat musibah besar demi Allah ini amanah dan jangan dihapuskan sebelum disebarkan." (disalin bulat-bulat drp SMS yg dihantar, tanpa sebarang pindaaan dibuat walaupun satu titik atau koma)

Jangan kita semua terpedaya dengan hal seperti ini. Malu kalau orang Islam yg buat begini. Langsung tak berfikir sebelum buat sesuatu.

Terfikir jugak, mungkin syarikat telekomunikasi yg memulakan SMS berangkai sebegini. Mereka yg tidak menggunakan akal terlebih dahulu sebelum bertindak sudah pasti akan menguntungkan syarikat tersebut. Yelah, kalau setiap orang forward kpd 10 orang yg lain, tak ke banyak tu?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Khutbah Jumaat yang hambar

Hari ni, 13 Februari 2009 - hari Jumaat.

Untuk kesekian kalinya, saya ke Masjid Pusat Islam, USM untuk solat Jumaat. Mungkin tidak berapa lama lagi, solat Jumaat tidak lagi diadakan di sini kerana Masjid Seri Ampangan yg berhampiran dengan USM telah pun mula beroperasi. Masjid tersebut bakal digunakan utk solat Jumaat.

Tertunggu-tunggu apa tajuk khutbah hari ni.. Bila khatib memulakan bicara, aduh..tajuknya "Makanan yg berzat..bla, bla, bla".

Terdetik di fikiran, apakah tiada lagi tajuk lain yg lebih penting dan perlu untuk disampaikan pd umat? Walhal, pelbagai isu penting dan besar yg timbul sekarang berkenaan umat Islam. Isu Palestin tidak pernah ada penghujungnya..mereka terus-terusan sengsara, dan selama itulah mereka terus berjuang mempertahankan bumi mereka.

Walhal umat Islam sedang kacau bilau, isu murtad, krisis identiti para muda-mudi, maksiat di sana sini berleluasa secara terbuka (bukannya menyerang hendap bilik hotel atau rumah orang yg perlu diutamakan), krisis politik, jenayah, dan sebagainya. Apakah semua ini cukup dengan sekadar satu dua khutbah?

Teringat satu ketika dulu, satu topik hangat dibincangkan dalam satu rancangan besar, Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam, iaitu "Buah-buahan tempatan". Kelakar, kan?

Khutbah yg hanya seminggu sekali seharusnya menjadi medium yg amat penting untuk menyampaikan maklumat dan nasihat kepada umat Islam, terutama golongan yg jarang menghadiri majlis ilmu, apatah lagi membaca bahan ilmiah dan isu umat Islam semasa.

Akhir sekali, memetik tulisan seorang tokoh ilmu terkenal di Malaysia, satu tamparan utk mereka yg terlibat dlm menyediakan teks khutbah.

"Saya kadang-kala membayangkan ‘mungkin penulis-penulis khutbah ini berada di suatu kawasan pergunungan yang terputus hubungan dengan umat, lalu diperintahkan pula mereka menulis khutbah. Dari sana mereka mengirimkan kepada sesiapa yang turun ke bawah untuk diposkan ke pejabat yang memerlukan khutbah-khutbah itu. Dengan pos biasa, barang kali sebulan kemudian khutbah itupun sampai. Pegawai yang asyik membaca akhbar dan minum kopi bersama kawan sehingga banyak kes talak tertangguh, membukanya lima hari kemudian. Untuk ditaip dan disampaikan ke masjid-masjid, barangkali mengambil masa lagi sebulan. Kalau pun ada sedikit isi khutbah yang menyentuh umat melalui khabar yang dibawa oleh angin ke gunung, barangkali yang sedikit itu sudah luput tarikhnya.."

Lebih baik tak bagitahu nama tokoh ini, sbb ada segolongan org kita yg tengok siapa yg berkata dulu sebelum menerima apa yg diperkatakan walaupun ia benar. Alahai..

Friday, February 6, 2009

"Perak new government".. and the Palestine tragedy

Well, should I congratulate the rakyat of Perak for the new BN government that has been formed after the 'jumping' event took place? Or should I join those who are now mourning for the collapse of the Pakatan Rakyat government in Perak? I guess the rakyat of Perak deserves to decide it, either to celebrate or to mourn for it, because it’s the rakyat who have chosen them to be the leaders during the previous election.

But as a Malaysian, the crisis has somewhat attracted my attention. Perhaps, there’re lessons to be learnt from what happened, for both contesting parties, and the rakyat as well. Regardless of political parties, I personally admire the “Ex-Chief Minister” of Perak, Dato’ Seri Ir. Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin for his good and professional character. He’s not only a great leader but was also a great engineer. Look here.

Newspapers, television, websites, and blogs are now focusing on this issue. I don’t deny that it’s an important issue, that people have the rights to know and realize the facts. It’s a national issue, the future of Malaysia. We’ll see what happens next. Who knows that there will be more dramatic scenes later.

Despite we’re busy with this political crisis here, let us not forget the never ending tragedy in Palestine. The Palestine crisis is not only for Palestinians or Arab people, but it’s the issue of the whole Muslims. The Holy Land of Palestine belongs to the ummah, and ummah have shed blood to defend it. The Zionist and their allies have never stopped, and will never stop their mission to rob the whole Palestine, and of course to conquer the world. In fact, they’re already conquering the world, by proxy. They will do whatever they want to achieve their mission.

* Tertarik dengan persoalan yg dilontarkan oleh Ust Maszlee Malik, “My concern is, will they jump without any incentives?" - good question, hmm..

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ahmad Fahmi's Wedding

Yesterday, we (me, Muiz, Anas, Deena & Hasanuddin) had a trip to Seremban, Negeri Sembilan to attend our friend's wedding reception there. It was a big day for Ahmad Fahmi and his wife, Siti Nursyazwani. Again, we'd like to extend our warmest congratulations to both of them. We pray that their marriage will last forever, live happily and being granted with cute babies soon, ameen..

The long journey has really exhausted us, but it was worth it. Lot of old friends have also attended the wedding. I would say that it was the wedding (that I attended) which has received the highest number of friends so far. Well, that's perhaps because of Fahmi's factor, for being one of the most significant characters while in UIA in terms of many things.

I was very happy to see friends whom I haven't seen for a while. At least, we had little time for the chit-chat, and updated the goings-on. Hope to see everyone again, insya Allah.