Thursday, December 31, 2009

Berakhirnya 2009

Pejam celik, hari ini merupakan hari terakhir kita di tahun 2009. Seandainya esok masih ada, satu lagi lembaran baru bakal dimulakan..tahun 2010.

Banyak yang hendak diperkatakan dan dikongsikan bersama..tapi dek kesempitan ruang dan hambatan tugas, terpaksa saya tangguhkan dulu. Insya Allah, seandai masih diberikan waktu, kita bakal bertemu lagi.

Kita tidak dapat lari drp suka & duka menempuh perjalanan hidup ini. Yg membahagiakan, akan terus kekal tersemat di jiwa..yg mendukacitakan, sama-samalah kita berdoa agar ia menjadikan kita lebih tabah dan kuat menempuah hari muka.

Semoga tahun baru ini bakal memberikan permulaan yang bukan sekadar baru, malahan jauh lebih baik drp dulu.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Tenacity in the Way of Allah

Terjemahan: Dan berapa banyaknya nabi yang berperang, bersama-sama mereka sejumlah besar dari pengikut (nya) yang bertakwa? Mereka tidak menjadi lemah karena bencana yang menimpa mereka di jalan Allah, dan tidak lesu dan tidak (pula) menyerah (kepada musuh). Dan Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang sabar.

Tidak ada ucapan mereka melainkan: "Ya Tuhan kami, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami dan tindakan-tindakan kami yang berlebih-lebihan dalam urusan kami[235] dan tetapkanlah pendirian kami, dan tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir." (Surah Ali-Imran: 146-147)

Translation: How many of the Prophets fought (in the Way of Allah), and with them large bands of Godly men? But they never lost heart if they met the disaster in the Way of Allah, nor did they weaken nor give in. And Allah loves those who are firm and steadfast.

All they said was: "Our Lord! Forgive our sins and anything we may have done that trnsgressed our duty. Establish our feet firmly, and help us against those who resist faith." (Surah Ali-Imran: 146-147)


One of the best words to describe what is needed while fighting in the Way of Allah is TENACITY. May Allah be with those who are tenacious in His Way.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bila berbeza pendapat, kembali kepada Allah dan Rasul

Allah SWT berfirman dalam Al-Qur'an:

Terjemahan: Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah Rasul (Nya), dan ulil amri (pemimpin/orang-orang yang berilmu) daripada kalangan kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berlainan pendapat tentang sesuatu, maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Allah (al-Qur'an) dan Rasul (sunnahnya), jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian. Yang demikian itu lebih utama (bagimu) dan lebih baik akibatnya. (Surah an-Nisaa', 4: 59)

Translation: O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle, and those charged with authority among you. If you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah (Al-Qur’an) and the Apostle (sunnah), if you do believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best, and most suitable for final determination. (Surah an-Nisaa', 4: 59)


Tiada yg lebih benar, melainkan apa yg Allah wahyukan dan apa yg Rasulullah telah tunjukkan. Wallahua'alam.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tauliah untuk mengajar ilmu

Berita di mStar online: Jais terus dikecam kerana tahan bekas Mufti Perlis

KUALA LUMPUR: Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) dibidas kerana menahan bekas Mufti Perlis Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin atas kesalahan mengajar tanpa tauliah.

Zulkifli Noordin (PKR-Kulim Bandar Baru) berkata JAIS tidak seharusnya bertindak sedemikian terhadap seorang pendakwah yang dikenali ramai terutamanya Mohd Asri mempunyai rancangan khas di stesen televisyen Astro serta blog yang dilayari oleh jutaan masyarakat Islam di negara ini.

"Bagaimana dengan rancangan agama Dr Mohd Asri di Astro yang mempunyai rating penonton mencecah tiga juta. Adakah JAIS akan menyerbu Astro untuk menahannya dan bagaimana pula dengan blog beliau yang dilayari lebih sejuta orang," katanya ketika membahaskan Rang Undang-Undang Perbekalan 2010 di Dewan Rakyat di sini hari ini.

Teruskan pembacaan di sini.


Pandangan saya, atas kemaslahatan tertentu, tidak lah menjadi suatu kesalahan bg Jais dan Jabatan Agama Islam negeri utk mensyaratkan setiap penceramah perlu ada tauliah sebelum mengajar ilmu agama kepada masyarakat. Isunya, bagaimana istilah 'tauliah' itu didefinisikan. Kalau definisi 'tauliah' itu adalah dengan memiliki ilmu yg benar dan diiktiraf, tidak menyeleweng, serta ada keupayaan yg cukup utk memberi pehamahaman kpd masyarakat, maka tentunya tidak timbul masalah ini. Ramai para ilmuan kita, by default, sepatutnya diberi tauliah tersebut.

Yg menjadi masalahnya, bila tauliah didefinisikan dan diberi mengikut selera pihak-pihak tertentu yg mungkin berkepentingan dlm badan tersebut. Jika ini terjadi, ada kemungkinan penceramah yg jika dinilai dari sudut ilmu & kemampuannnya layak utk diberi tauliah, dinafikan haknya hanya kerana mereka tidak selairan atau berbeza pandangan dengan pihak yg memberi tauliah.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Isu Dr. Mohd Asri - pandangan saya

Ada beberapa peristiwa & isu yg tejadi dan hangat dibincangkan di Malaysia kebelakangan ini..ada yg baik, ada yg kurang enak didengar. Tapi bagi saya, tiada yg lebih mengejutkan selain drp isu penahanan Dr. Mohd Asri oleh pihak JAIS. Alasannya, memberi kuliah tanpa tauliah.. haha, kelakar, kan? Bekas mufti pun kira takde tauliah, takde kelayakan, walaupun beliau pemegang ijazah PhD dlm bidang hadith drp UIAM. Saya sendiri pernah menghadiri kuliah beliau di Taman Sri Ukay itu. Mungkin artis yg baru sebulan dua belajar agama lebih bertauliah utk memberi kuliah asalkan dia tidak mengganggu gugat periuk nasi org lain yg ada kepentingan tertentu. Mungkin..

Dua hari lepas, sy juga amat tekejut bila sy buka mstar online, terdapatnya salinan memorandum oleh majlis peguam syar'ie Malaysia kepada YDP Agong menolak perlantikan Dr. Mohd Asri sbg YDP Yadim. Sy bertanya pd diri sendiri, "Eh, bila masa pulak Ust Asri ditawarkan utk jd YDP Yadim ni? Yadim tu apa?"

Owh, baru sy tahu, rupanya ada satu badan agama yg dinamakan Yadim di Malaysia ni. Tapi apa fungsinya ye? Erm, mungkin agak cetek pengetahun sy dlm hal ini. Klu IKIM, YPEIM, JAKIM & PERKIM tu pernah lah dengar. Dek memorandum tersebut, maka sy percaya nama Yadim sudah begitu terkenal sekarang.

Satu lg persoalan yg timbul dlm kepala sy, adakah Dr. Mohd Asri telah menerima tawaran tersebut & bakal dilantik atau sudah pun dilantik sbg YDP Yadim tu. Kalau tak, masakan memorandum telah pun dihantar. Yg mengeluarkan dan menandatangani memorandum bukanlah calang-calang orang..para peguma syar'ie tu (maknanya ada kelulusan Undang-Undang Syari'ah), serta disokong oleh beberapa NGO lain yg ada antaranya amat terkemuka dan dikenali umum di Malaysia. Kalau sekadar dengar desas-desus tentang perlantikan tersebut, dan tuan punya badan pun belum buat keptusan, sy kira tindakan oleh pihak berkenaan adalah ibarat lebih lajak daripada laju.

Semasa sy membaca isi kandungan memorandum tersebut, sy belum lagi membaca ulasan & jawapan drp Dr. Asri sendiri atau pihak lain. Drp pembacaan & pengamatan sy yg sy kira masih dhaif & kurang ilmu ini, sy amat terkejut dengan alasan (yg sebenarnya lebih berbentuk tuduhan) penolakan mereka. Antara yg amat pengejutkan sy adalah:

1. Dr. Mohd Asri dikatakan tidak mengiktiraf i'ktiqad ahli sunnah wal jama'ah dari 4 mazhab fiqh, serta dlm keadaan tertentu, menolak hadith Bukhari.

2. Beliau dikatakan telah mencerca ulama besar seperti Imam Nawawi r.h & Imam Ghazali r.h.

Utk lihat salinan memorandum tersebut, lihat di sini. Atau boleh google je, Insya Allah boleh dapat.

Tuduhan-tuduhan lain sy rasa tak perlu sy ulas di sini. Cuma sy amat terkilan dengan 2 tuduhan di atas. Astagfirullah, moga Allah ampunkan dosa kita semua. Tuduhan di atas bukannya kecil. Ia melibatkan disiplin ilmu & i'tiqad. Sy yg begitu dhaif ini, serta berbekalkan sedikit ilmu yg sy ada, sy dpt membezakan antara kebenaran & pembohongan. Sesiapa yg pernah mengikuti kuliah atau tulisan Dr. Mohd Asri, pastinya mereka akan mengatakan itu adalah tuduhan liar yg tak berpaksikan kebenaran, tanpa didatangkan hujah & fakta ilmiah.

Antara kuliah yg saya pernah ikuti adalah kuliah Riyadhus Solihin. Kitab Riyadhus Solihin ini siapa pengarangnya? Jawapannya Imam Nawawi r.h. Juga sy ikuti kuliah-kuliah hadith yg lain. Umpanya hadith Sahih Muslim, siapa pengarang Syarah Sahih Muslim? Juga Imam Nawawi r.h. Pendek kata, kuliah-kuliah hadith, serta tulisan beliau tidak terlepas drp memetik huraian & hujah Imam Nawawi r.h. Itukah yg dikatakan mencerca? Barangkali pihak yg menuduh tidak pernah tahu siapa pengarang kitab-kitab tersebut. Maaf kalau sy tersilap.

Juga dlm kuliah & tulisan beliau, Dr. Mohd Asri sentiasa merujuk kepada Imam-imam besar mazhab 4: Abu Hanifah, Malik, Syafi'e & Ahmad r.h. Dari mana dtgnya hujah yg beliau tidak mengiktiraf i'ktiqad ahli sunnah wal jama'ah dari 4 mazhab fiqh? Para salafus soleh merupakan rujukan utama bila membahaskan sesuatu yg berkaitan dengan Agama. Namun tidak kurang beliau memetik hujah oleh para tokoh kontemporari yg lebih berbentuk gerakan seperti Imam Hasan Al-Banna dan para tokoh yg seangkatan dengannya. Malah Al-Banna sendiri dengan terang menyatakan bhw sumber utama dlm Islam adalah Al-Qur'an & As-Sunnah, dan seterusnya contoh oleh para salafus soleh, terutamanya dlm hal 'aqidah & fiqh.

Kemudian baru sy dapat tahu tentang sidang media yg Dr. Mohd Asri aturkan utk menjawab tuduhan tersebut. Isi kandungannya banyak telah tersiar di media. Utk lihat video sidang media tersebut, boleh lihat di sini. Sama-sama kita nilai sendiri.

Adakah benar memorandum itu dihantar atas alasan kemaslahatan umat, utk menyelamatkan umat drp perpecahan, kekeliruan, keresahan dalam memahami agama yg tulen? Sy meraguinya.. mungkin hanya segelintir pihak yg berkepentingan sj yg keresahan akibat arus pembaharuan ini.

Malah sy percaya, dengan mengikuti kuliah dan penulisan beliau, ramai yg dahulunya kurang atau susah untuk faham tentang Islam, termasuklah sy sendiri, lebih memahami Islam yg tulen, yg lebih mudah dan praktikal. Adakah mereka ingin perjuangkan Islam yg sekadar mengikuti arus perdana? Bukan arus perdana yg jadi ukuran benar atau salah, tetapi Qur'an & Sunnah.

Bukan sedikit yg bersama & menyokong perjuangan Dr. Mohd Asri, dari golongan bahawan hinggalah ke golongan atasan, yg kurang terpelajar & terpelajar, ahli agama & ahli politik. Bukan sedikit yg mendoakan kesejahteraan beliau dan memberi semangat agar meneruskan perjuangan dakwah ini.

Seperkara lagi, sy sudah muak dengan alasan pihak ini yg mengaitkan dengan fahaman wahabi. Pertama kali sy dengar istilah 'wahabi' ketika di pusat matrikulasi. Sy bertanya kpd seorang senior dlm jurusan agama tentang maksud wahabi. Jawabnya (yg sy masih ingat), "gologan yg mahu kembali kepada Al-Qur'an & Sunnah..".

Masa tu, sy tak tahu & tak kenal pun siapa pengasas fahaman ini. Bila sy semakin matang dlm memahami ilmu & disiplinnya, sy lihat ramai org yg tak faham pun, bila melihat golongan yg mempertahankan sunnah ataupun berbeza dengan amalan turun temurun masyarakat, penyudahnya pasti akan dilabel 'wahabi'.

Sedikit sebanyak, sy juga membaca buku-buku Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi, serta meneliti cara beliau dlm memberi kefahaman agama. Patutlah beliau juga digelar wahabi, kerana beliau begitu gigih & istiqamah mengajak manusia kembali kepada sunnah Rasulullah. Sy rasa para salafus soleh juga akan digelar wahabi sekiranya mereka masih hidup pd zaman ini.

Sy tidak lah mempertahankan wahabi, tp sy rasakan ia adalah salah faham & penyalahgunaan istilah tersebut yg didalangi oleh pihak tertentu.

Inilah liku yg perlu ditempuh atas jalan dakwah. Telah ramai para ulama silam yg dituduh, ditohmah, malahan diseksa kerana mempertahan Islam, yg mungkin tidak sealiran dengan pihak yg berkuasa dan berpengaruh. Lihat saja para Imam mazhab yg 4, serta imam-imam lain, mereka tidak sunyi drp menerima ujian. Namun, kebenaran dan keikhlasan mereka tetap harum sepanjang zaman, nama mereka dikenang, perjuangan mereka diingati. Masha Allah.

Akhir sekali, sy agak kecewa melihat ada beberapa nama NGO Islam yg besar dan dikenali umum yg turut disenaraikan dalam memorandum tersebut. Ini bermakna mereka mengiktiraf tuduhan-tuduhan tersebut. Atau mungkin mereka tidak membaca isi kandungan memorandum tersebut dan meneliti dengan rasional, serta disiplin ilmu yg suci, bukan dengan emosi semata, sebelum menandatanganinya. Bukan sedikit di kalangan mereka yg terpelajar, yg bijak pandai. Jelasnya, memorandum tersebut disediakan tanpa disertai dengan kajian yg mendalam. Seharusnya setiap alasan disertai dengan hujah yg konkrit dan ilmiah, bukti yg jelas, juga bahasa yg tepat. Alahai..

Utuk laporan terkini, boleh lihat di laman web Minda Tajdid

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

IIUM 25th Convocation

So, the IIUM 25th Convocation is over. It was held from 10 to 12 Oct 2009, and somehow I purposely wait till everything is over to make some jottings about it, plus I was quite busy with some other tasks (really?).

And tonight will be the end of the Convest (Convocation Fiesta), that according to some people, being one of the greatest events at IIUM every year. However, the greatest event does not necessary be the best event (in the eyes of Allah). Personally, I feel quite uneasy with this recent Convest, especially with the presense of some singers who have severely ruined the peacefulness of IIUM atmosphere.

A newly built building located between Bank Muamalat/Bank Islam and CAC/KOE..
they named it Azman Hashim Complex

Congratulation to all graduands who have successfully completed their degrees here, either Bachelor, Masters, as well as PhD. Receiving a scroll, especially from IIUM, does not merely mean a success in academic world, but the scroll also carries the amanah from Allah to always contribute back to Islam, to serve the best for the development of ummah and nations.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Isteri minta cerai, adakah bergegar Arasy?

Dah lama rasanya tidak berkongsi artikel dan berita yg saya kira sedikit sebanyak membantu menambah kefahaman dan ilmu kita semua, ataupun membetulkan salah faham masyarakat kita hari ini.

Baru saya tahu rupanya hadis yg mengatakan bahawa isteri yg meminta cerai drp suami akan menyebabkan arasy Allah bergegar adalah hadis palsu.

Petikan drp tulisan Dr. Mohd Asri:

Wanita muslimah hendaklah tahu bahawa mereka boleh memohon cerai apabila mereka rasa terancam, atau tidak dapat bahagia lagi dengan suami mereka. Ungkapan sesetengah ustaz atau penceramah “Talak menggegar Arsy Tuhan” adalah unggapan daripada hadis palsu yang tidak wajar disandarkan kepada Islam yang adil ini. Talak ialah jalan keluar terakhir kepada masalah rumah tangga. Perkahwinan bukanlah penjara kejam untuk wanita, sebaliknya ia adalah mahligai kebahgiaan. Jika ia menjadi neraka dunia, maka seseorang wanita hendaklah mengeluarkan diri darinya.

Baca selanjutnya di sini.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Back again!

I noticed that my last few postings were about the word 'back'. And this time, I'm glad to announce that Bro. Firdaus is now back at the department after spending more than 2 years in Japan to complete his Masters degree. He reported his duty at the department last week, a week after Eid, but I just had the chance to meet him a few days later.

Bro. Firdaus was my senpai during my undergraduate study at IIUM. Then, we bacame colleagues when both of us joined the department, together with Illiey. Of course, in term of work also, he's still senior than us. Basically, je became of the departmental staff a year before me.

At BioMalaysia, KLCC (December 2006)
.. from left, Illiey, me, Shareef, Firdaus and Fakhrurazi

And yes, we do need young and energetic academicians to accomplish the missions and visions of the university, of course with the help and guidance from experienced staff. But, both of us will be again leaving the university soon. I just got a letter from the MSD, urging us to secure the place for PhD within 6 months from the appointment date..everything must be quick now.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Back to work

After more than 10 days of holiday, I am now back to work. We've spent the first 3 days of Eidul-Fitri at my hometown, Kota Bharu. Then on the 4th day, we headed back to Taiping to celebrate the Eid with our relatives there.

It was a tight schedule for us. But Alhamdulillah, we still managed to visit some relatives and friends that we have not seen for years, particularly in Kelantan. I was so delighted to meet again my former teacher while I was in SK Kor (1990-1995), Puan Norizam Ariffin, among the names that I'd never forget in my life. Then, on the way back to Taiping, we were able to visit one of my best companions, Ahmad Hasanuddin Hj. Mukri. It was also the first time for both Hasanuddins (senior and junior) had a face-to-face session.

Solat terawih di Masjid UIAM.. saat yg pasti ditunggu setiap tahun. Semoga bertemu lagi di Ramadhan yg akan datang..ameen.

It's all over, so now let's put aside the hari raya mood, and concentrate on the work. When I entered the office this morning, there were few more forms under my door that I have to go through and sign. Well, it's one of my jobs now, to make sure that all the shortlisted companies for EIT are relevant to the field biochemical/biotech engineering. Otherwise, it won't be approved. They're quite strict now since students are no longer allowed to undergo their training at research-based institutions. It's difficult for biotech students then..


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to IIUM

Alhamdulillah, after a year of study leave, I'm now back to IIUM. And very soon, I'll be leaving choice. I was planning to write this post 4 days ago, the day that I reported my duty here. But lot of things I had to settle first. Anyway, I'm happy to be here again, even just for a while.

My new at level 3, E5 block

Our new HOD also looks very energetic and determined. Together with our new Deputy Rector of Research and Innovation, who was also the former Dean of KOE, I believe that IIUM will be moving forward to achieve its mission, to be one of the research universities in Malaysia, but of course, as a Garden of Knowledge and Virtue, values and ethics shouldn't be ignored.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

USM 40th Convocation

Alhamdulillah, the first and second session of USM 40th Convocation was successfully held yesterday (12th Aug 2009). Being in the first session, I had the chance to receive the scroll from HRH Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, the Chancellor of USM.

Being in USM, even just for a year, has taught me on how to be more independent, proactive. Insya Allah, I shall not forget the memories there.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Menjelang Majlis Konvokesyen USM ke-40

The USM 40th Convocation will be held on 12 - 16 August 2009, and I will be one of the graduands to receive the MSc scroll on the first session. But I am not as excited as during my undergraduate convocation at IIUM. The feeling is different. It's obvious.. I've just spent one year at USM.

Last time, someone said to me that the undergraduate convocation is a must, once in a lifetime. Unlike for Masters and PhD, people do not really care about convocation. It's maybe true. My wife and mom are those who really want to see me receiving the scroll for the second time. Well, fulfilling others' wish is quite a good reason to attend the ceremony. Right?

By the way, Alhamdulillah, I'm glad that I've reached up to this point, but of course the sky is always the limit. And very soon after this convocation, I'll be temporarily back to IIUM..Insya Allah.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

H1N1 at USM Engineering Campus

I was just informed by one of the lecturers here that the H1N1 virus is now at USM Engineering campus, Nibong Tebal. Few students have been suspected of the virus attack. It's not surprised since few days before that, the ILP (Institut Latihan Perindustrian), which is one of the closest neighbour to USM was also closed due to the virus attack.

So it's now the USM turn to be shut down for 1 week (29/07 - 05/08). The news has been spread so fast. But I heard that it's only for undergraduate students. For postgraduate students and staff, the business is still running as usual.

Seemingly, nothing can stop the virus now, except all people give their full co-operation (I doubt that..too difficult). Only Allah can stop it, but efforts are still needed to fight this scary pandemic virus attack. For whatever reasons, surely this is a test from Him. Let's get back to Him.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Is Terrorism A Muslim Monopoly?

Muslims have been labeled as extremists and terrorists by the West, led by the Zionist. Of course with the very bias media, they always tend to hide the truth. All the bad things happened, they relate to Muslims.

Did we forget the brutality of the non-Muslim government towards Muslims community in many countries? Regarding this matter, I would definitely suggest the readers to read what Dr. Mohd Asri has posted on his his Minda Tajdid webpage.."Lembut Gigi Daripada Lidah" (it's in Bahasa Melayu)

The latest was the murder of an Egyptian Muslimah in German courtroom just because of her cover. But did the media reveal the truth? Never!

Then the Urumqi riots, Gujerat, Kashmir, Southern Thai, Burma (Myanmar), Philippines, etc. And not forgotten, the never ending tragedy of Palestine.

Glad to share these slides with all of you. It's a compilation of a public talk by Dr. Zakir Naik.

Monday, July 20, 2009

UIAM: Perkongsian rasa hati dan pengalaman

Ini bukanlah perkongsian rasa hati dan pengalaman saya, tetapi oleh seorang warga UIAM, Mdm. Martinelli di blognya. Tentu ramai warga UIAM yg pernah mendegar nama beliau, malah mengenali beliau.

Saya suka memetik serangkap dua apa yg telah dikongsikan.. "Budaya Al-Ma'thurat di UIAM".

"Tiga amalan warga UIAM yang menjadikan UIA begitu unik adalah usrah, Al-Ma’thurat dan alunan Asma’ ulhusna. Ketiganya2 menjadi identiti budaya UIAM suatu ketika dulu selain daripada istilah2 arabic untuk kolej kediaman dan fakulti yang cukup memberi kesan kepada setiap pelajar. Songkok hitam yang dililit dengan pita logo warna emas akan membuat pemakai rasa bahagia menjadi warga UIAM."

"Dulu setiap program pelajar mesti ada Qiyamullail. Sekarang aktiviti ‘explorace’, ‘telematch’, ‘cabutan bertuah’ mengmbil tempat. Kata mereka untuk lebih ‘fun’ supaya lebih ramai orang datang. Yang terbaru pula ialah lenggang-lenggok poco poco…ramai yang menyukainya tetapi tidak sesuailah lelaki dan perempuan berjoget dengan goyang dangdut yang kelihatannya agaknya seksi dan ia dibuat tanpa ada dinding pemisah antara mereka. Silap kawalan ia akan membawa fitnah yang menjejaskan ibadah. Katanya untuk kesihatan. Niat yang baik tetapi perlulah berhati2 dengan syariat yang jadi pegangan kita. Lagu yang dipilih hendaklah bukan lagu yang senikatanya berunsur lucah. Itu yang tertulis dalam cultural guideline UIAM."

Selanjutnya, rakan-rakan semua boleh membaca di sini.

Moga-moga ada manfaat. Semoga UIAM akan kembali bangkit dan bersinar. Segala gejala yg tidak baik dapat kita hindarkan, bersama kembalikan kegemilangan Islam. Wallahu'alam.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Time is Life

Time passes so fast, it waits for no one. When I was small, the favorite quote about time was "Time is Gold".. later, I heard another quote, "Time is like a sword, if you don't cut with it, it will cut you", or "Time is Money", and so forth.

But "Time is Life" (Masa adalah Kehidupan) is the quote that I like most.

The moment I joined USM in last July is still fresh in my mind. The seven of us were the pioneer batch for the MSc in Chemical Engineering (mixed-mode) here. We've been through challenging paths throughout the year. Alhamdulillah, at last we manage to graduate with MSc scroll in our hand.

From left (standing): Hafiza, Sa'aadah, Faraziehan, Nazri & Nurul;
(sitting) Tan & Kak Siti

To all my colleagues at USM, "Thank You" is the best word to show my appreciation to all of you. Every single minute that we've spent here will always be in my heart.

I wish that we shall see each other agian in the future. Wassalam.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Drive Away vs. Drive Thru!

One and half month ago, I joined a two-days seminar on academic and entrepreneurship at UKM, Bangi. There was also an exhibition of Palestine held outside the hall. Something has attracted my eyes.. a car sticker, "McD..Drive Away" I just immediately grabbed it, put it on my car as soon as I came back home.

Stop eating McD, Stop killing Palestinians.

I noticed that lot of people put the McD Drive Thru sticker on their car. And I wonder what's the benefit of putting it. I feel that those people have become silent ambassadors to McD by advertising it to everyone. It's not shocked if someone with less knowledge do that. In fact lot of our peole do not really know what actually happened to our Palestinians. But people like lecturers (that I consider as 'orang2 cerdik') or university staff who put that sticker on their cars, it embarrassing!

Do we get certain privileges at McD drive thru station if the sticker is there? Please let me know..I don't have any experience buying drive thru McD.

I'm not against those who really love eating McD, but again let us show our care and support to our Palestinian brothers and sisters. If you still can't leave it, you don't have to become the silent ambassadors to McD. This is the least we can do.

Our care and support to Palestinians are not seasonal.

It's just my personal opinion.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Final battle

It has been more than a month I’ve not posted anything here. Lucky that I still remember the password to log in;-). busy with exams, and the research as well, especially the most difficult part, the writing part. Alhamdulillah, I’ve just submitted my thesis last Tuesday. At last, I managed to produce it, after so many difficulties. It has been almost a year since I started my study in last July.

And guess what, my viva voce will be on this coming Monday (27 April 2009).. Yeah, so eager to finish all these, but somehow the fear of facing this final battle is there too. The external examiner will be coming from the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, and he’s an expert in environmental engineering. Well, that’s the path I have to pass through. Dear friends and everyone who reads this, please say this once deep in your heart.. “May Allah make it easy for Nazri, ameen”

I’m very thankful for the contribution that everyone has made, whether they’re close to me or they might be thousands miles away from me. The advocacy, advices and constructive critics have broadened my perspectives and offered a wider path for me to improve my work.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

We'll never forget that Palestine is our Land

"We must do everything to insure they (the Palestinians) never do return." Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes. "The old will die and the young will forget."

[David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar's Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157]


Hey, we're not the generations who easily forget what you've done to us. The robbery of our land, massacres of our brothers and sisters, blockade and denial of food, shelves, medicines and independent lives by Zionists will always be in our mind. And one day, sooner or later, we will return and the Palestine will be regained. It was our land, it is our land, it will always be our land.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wake up, my dear Muslims!

David Ben-Gurion, the 1st Prime Minister of Israel said:

"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"

[Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox)]



I support Hamas and all Palestinians for showing no fear against the Zionist. Obviously, the Zionist will never respect any agreement to stop the war. If they do, that means they have succeeded in establishing the Eretz Israel (greater Israel), and killing all Palestinians unless they resign to live as slaves.

Let us together defend the Palestine land to the last drop. Let us fight for the liberty of our Palestine like what Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi and his armies did before. But to surrender, we would never!

Fitnah SMS yang tak habis-habis

Muak dengan SMS seperti di bawah ni yg baru saja di 'forward' oleh seseorang.

"Allahhumma inni as aluqa tahhdy bihal qalbi watajmu bihal fitnati anni.. do'a Nabi Muhammad saw. Kirim ke 10 org Insyaallah 2 jam kemudian kamu akan mendengar khabar baik & mendapat kebahagiaan tetapi jika tidak menyebarkan maka kamu akan mendapat musibah besar demi Allah ini amanah dan jangan dihapuskan sebelum disebarkan." (disalin bulat-bulat drp SMS yg dihantar, tanpa sebarang pindaaan dibuat walaupun satu titik atau koma)

Jangan kita semua terpedaya dengan hal seperti ini. Malu kalau orang Islam yg buat begini. Langsung tak berfikir sebelum buat sesuatu.

Terfikir jugak, mungkin syarikat telekomunikasi yg memulakan SMS berangkai sebegini. Mereka yg tidak menggunakan akal terlebih dahulu sebelum bertindak sudah pasti akan menguntungkan syarikat tersebut. Yelah, kalau setiap orang forward kpd 10 orang yg lain, tak ke banyak tu?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Khutbah Jumaat yang hambar

Hari ni, 13 Februari 2009 - hari Jumaat.

Untuk kesekian kalinya, saya ke Masjid Pusat Islam, USM untuk solat Jumaat. Mungkin tidak berapa lama lagi, solat Jumaat tidak lagi diadakan di sini kerana Masjid Seri Ampangan yg berhampiran dengan USM telah pun mula beroperasi. Masjid tersebut bakal digunakan utk solat Jumaat.

Tertunggu-tunggu apa tajuk khutbah hari ni.. Bila khatib memulakan bicara, aduh..tajuknya "Makanan yg berzat..bla, bla, bla".

Terdetik di fikiran, apakah tiada lagi tajuk lain yg lebih penting dan perlu untuk disampaikan pd umat? Walhal, pelbagai isu penting dan besar yg timbul sekarang berkenaan umat Islam. Isu Palestin tidak pernah ada penghujungnya..mereka terus-terusan sengsara, dan selama itulah mereka terus berjuang mempertahankan bumi mereka.

Walhal umat Islam sedang kacau bilau, isu murtad, krisis identiti para muda-mudi, maksiat di sana sini berleluasa secara terbuka (bukannya menyerang hendap bilik hotel atau rumah orang yg perlu diutamakan), krisis politik, jenayah, dan sebagainya. Apakah semua ini cukup dengan sekadar satu dua khutbah?

Teringat satu ketika dulu, satu topik hangat dibincangkan dalam satu rancangan besar, Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam, iaitu "Buah-buahan tempatan". Kelakar, kan?

Khutbah yg hanya seminggu sekali seharusnya menjadi medium yg amat penting untuk menyampaikan maklumat dan nasihat kepada umat Islam, terutama golongan yg jarang menghadiri majlis ilmu, apatah lagi membaca bahan ilmiah dan isu umat Islam semasa.

Akhir sekali, memetik tulisan seorang tokoh ilmu terkenal di Malaysia, satu tamparan utk mereka yg terlibat dlm menyediakan teks khutbah.

"Saya kadang-kala membayangkan ‘mungkin penulis-penulis khutbah ini berada di suatu kawasan pergunungan yang terputus hubungan dengan umat, lalu diperintahkan pula mereka menulis khutbah. Dari sana mereka mengirimkan kepada sesiapa yang turun ke bawah untuk diposkan ke pejabat yang memerlukan khutbah-khutbah itu. Dengan pos biasa, barang kali sebulan kemudian khutbah itupun sampai. Pegawai yang asyik membaca akhbar dan minum kopi bersama kawan sehingga banyak kes talak tertangguh, membukanya lima hari kemudian. Untuk ditaip dan disampaikan ke masjid-masjid, barangkali mengambil masa lagi sebulan. Kalau pun ada sedikit isi khutbah yang menyentuh umat melalui khabar yang dibawa oleh angin ke gunung, barangkali yang sedikit itu sudah luput tarikhnya.."

Lebih baik tak bagitahu nama tokoh ini, sbb ada segolongan org kita yg tengok siapa yg berkata dulu sebelum menerima apa yg diperkatakan walaupun ia benar. Alahai..

Friday, February 6, 2009

"Perak new government".. and the Palestine tragedy

Well, should I congratulate the rakyat of Perak for the new BN government that has been formed after the 'jumping' event took place? Or should I join those who are now mourning for the collapse of the Pakatan Rakyat government in Perak? I guess the rakyat of Perak deserves to decide it, either to celebrate or to mourn for it, because it’s the rakyat who have chosen them to be the leaders during the previous election.

But as a Malaysian, the crisis has somewhat attracted my attention. Perhaps, there’re lessons to be learnt from what happened, for both contesting parties, and the rakyat as well. Regardless of political parties, I personally admire the “Ex-Chief Minister” of Perak, Dato’ Seri Ir. Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin for his good and professional character. He’s not only a great leader but was also a great engineer. Look here.

Newspapers, television, websites, and blogs are now focusing on this issue. I don’t deny that it’s an important issue, that people have the rights to know and realize the facts. It’s a national issue, the future of Malaysia. We’ll see what happens next. Who knows that there will be more dramatic scenes later.

Despite we’re busy with this political crisis here, let us not forget the never ending tragedy in Palestine. The Palestine crisis is not only for Palestinians or Arab people, but it’s the issue of the whole Muslims. The Holy Land of Palestine belongs to the ummah, and ummah have shed blood to defend it. The Zionist and their allies have never stopped, and will never stop their mission to rob the whole Palestine, and of course to conquer the world. In fact, they’re already conquering the world, by proxy. They will do whatever they want to achieve their mission.

* Tertarik dengan persoalan yg dilontarkan oleh Ust Maszlee Malik, “My concern is, will they jump without any incentives?" - good question, hmm..

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ahmad Fahmi's Wedding

Yesterday, we (me, Muiz, Anas, Deena & Hasanuddin) had a trip to Seremban, Negeri Sembilan to attend our friend's wedding reception there. It was a big day for Ahmad Fahmi and his wife, Siti Nursyazwani. Again, we'd like to extend our warmest congratulations to both of them. We pray that their marriage will last forever, live happily and being granted with cute babies soon, ameen..

The long journey has really exhausted us, but it was worth it. Lot of old friends have also attended the wedding. I would say that it was the wedding (that I attended) which has received the highest number of friends so far. Well, that's perhaps because of Fahmi's factor, for being one of the most significant characters while in UIA in terms of many things.

I was very happy to see friends whom I haven't seen for a while. At least, we had little time for the chit-chat, and updated the goings-on. Hope to see everyone again, insya Allah.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Palestin dan Konsert Rihanna

1. Tertarik dengan artikel tulisan Aditya Putra di mStar Online, Kebergantungan kita keterlaluan!, saya terpanggil utk menulis sesuatu di sini. Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat yg beliau lontarkan.

2. Palestin adalah tanah suci umat Islam, yg kini dalam tangan Zionist. Saudara seagama kita di sana dibunuh dan ditindas setiap hari. Seharusnya kitalah orang-orang Islam ini menunjukkan rasa sensitif yg lebih berbanding yg bukan beragama Islam.

3. Malah ada org bukan Islam menunjukkan rasa simpati dan sokongan mereka pd rakyat Palestin melebihi umat Islam sendiri, atas dasar perikemanusiaan.

4. Dan di kala keadaan di Palestin kini kian runcing, ada di kalangan kita yg masih leka dibuai mimpi. Terbaru, konsert Rihanna yg bakal diadakan pd 13 Februari ini di Kuala Lumpur.

5. Apa yg dapat saya perhatikan, setiap kali konsert artis barat mahu diadakan yg sememangnya tidak menyumbang ke arah kebaikan akhlak dan pembangunan jiwa serta minda, akan ada pihak yg merasa bertanggungjawab menentang penganjuran tersebut.. alhamdulillah.

6. Tapi tak kurang yg masih beria-ria mahu meneruskannya..lebih sedih bila org Melayu dan Islam sendiri yg bangkit mempertahankan konsert tersebut. Jarang saya lihat masyarakat bangsa lain yg bangun mempertahankannya.. kebanyakan bangsa kita, Melayu. Alahai..

7. Fikir-fikirkan.. kalaupun konsert tersebut akan tetap diadakan, janganlah kita bazirkan duit kita untuknya. Alangkah baik kiranya duit itu disalurkan ke tabung Bersamamu Palestin. Moga-moga ada kebaikan disebaliknya, ameen..


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Message to Israelis, Zionists

Excerpts of what Che Det wrote in his blog:


7. The atom bombs which killed 100,000 men, women, children and babies are the product of Israeli (Jewish) brain. Most of the diabolical weapons now being used to kill millions of people are also the creation of Israelis on Zionist Jews. The depleted uranium and phosphorous shells being used in Gaza are also the product of Israeli brains.

10. But worse of all is the seizure of Palestinian land to create the state of Israel. Not content with the area given to the Jews by the United Nations you have seized more Palestinian land, built settlements on many parts of Palestine, disallowed the use of roads built on Palestinian land to the Palestinians, erected your own check points at the borders of Palestine with Jordan and built your version of the Berlin Wall through Palestinian villages on land that is not part of Israel.

16. Hamas could only establish their Government in Gaza. But you blockaded Gaza, denying them food, medicine, power, fuel etc. If you had not done that I doubt that Hamas would fire rockets at you.

17. Malaysia is well aware that total boycott of Israel is not possible. We are in fact boycotting American products which is an even more impossible task. We would not be able to bring America or Israel down.

18. But what we aim to do is to demonstrate the disgust and the anger that we feel over the inhumanity of the brainy but primitive peoples of Israel and America.

19. You can collect Nobel prizes and other prizes but the world will look down upon you as very primitive people who robbed land through terror against perfidious British and subsequently used your control over the world's greatest military power to oppress the people whom you had robbed.

20. You have nothing to be proud of, unless of course you take pride in being heartless, in being primitive brutes.

21. The only mitigating factor is the presence among Israelis of a small number who are ashamed of what you have done to the people of Gaza.

Continue reading at Che Det's blog.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

A shameful war - Israel is the real terrorist

By the time the shooting stopped, more than 100 Palestinians had been killed for every Israeli who died. Was every death lawful? And, if not, where does the fault lie? Raymond Whitaker and Donald Macintyre report at the Independent, A shameful war: Israel in the dock over assault on Gaza. Let's spend few minutes to read and ponder it.

To all my brothers and sisters who still care about Palestine and Palestinians, let us keep helping and supporting them by whatever means that we're capable of. RM1 that we donate here might be a pain killer to our brothers and sisters in Palestine, or might be a bullet to kill the Zionist. Again, try not to buy the products that have been proven to support the Zionist. And the boycott should not last for only few weeks or months, but I would say till the death comes to us. We can certainly do it if we have the will and care about our brothers and sisters!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Israelis Applaud Massacre of Palestinians

Among the terrible pictures that I have seen on the Web, pictures that Palestinians and friends of Palestine have sent me, the most terrible was not of shattered, mutilated bodies, of blasted lives and unendurable pain. The most terrible was a picture of young Israelis standing within their secure borders (of occupied Palestine!) looking at the devastation being visited on the terrified civilians of Gaza a couple of miles away. And the unremitting horror of that image was that those who watched the bombs bursting in air and the puffs of death rising—they were smiling.

I searched my memory banks to recall where I’d seen such an image before. It was many years ago in a book about the Civil Rights struggle in America and it showed a lynching of a black man and a crowd of grinning whites—men, women and children in a party mood under the limbs of the tree upon which hung the burnt and crucified corpse. It used to be possible for travelers in the apartheid US south to purchase postcards depicting such scenes—and they had captions like, “One less Nigger to worry about!”

Source: Press Action


The world should now realize who's the real terrorist. Even their people were very happy watching the Palestinians be killed. My heart was deeply touched, full with anger when I watched a group of Israelis, men and women, gathered just to watch and enjoy the massacre few days ago on television. We'll wait till their sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, relatives and friends be killed in front of their eyes, whether they can still applaud and enjoy it.

Martin Luther wrote in his book, On the Jews and Their Lies (1543):

There is no other explanation for this than the one cited earlier from Moses — namely, that God has struck [the Jews] with 'madness and blindness and confusion of mind.' So we are even at fault in not avenging all this innocent blood of our Lord and of the Christians which they shed for three hundred years after the destruction of Jerusalem, and the blood of the children they have shed since then (which still shines forth from their eyes and their skin). We are at fault in not slaying them. Rather we allow them to live freely in our midst despite all their murdering, cursing, blaspheming, lying, and defaming; we protect and shield their synagogues, houses, life, and property. In this way we make them lazy and secure and encourage them to fleece us boldly of our money and goods, as well as to mock and deride us, with a view to finally overcoming us, killing us all for such a great sin, and robbing us of all our property (as they daily pray and hope). Now tell me whether they do not have every reason to be the enemies of us accursed Goyim, to curse us and to strive for our final, complete, and eternal ruin!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Qatar, Mauritania suspends ties with Israel

DOHA/DUBAI (Reuters) - Qatar and Mauritania froze ties with Israel on Friday over its three-week-old offensive on Gaza and a meeting of Arab and Muslim leaders in Doha called for a suspension of the Arab peace initiative with the Jewish state.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani said Qatar, the only Gulf Arab state with ties to Israel, would ask the Jewish state to close its trade office in Doha and remove its staff until the situation improved.

In Nouakchott, Mauritania said it had frozen political and economic ties with Israel following the recall of its ambassador for consultations last week in protest at the Gaza offensive, but stopped short of a full severing of diplomatic ties.

The Doha meeting called on Arab countries to review their ties with Israel over the offensive that has killed more than 1,100 Palestinians and to suspend the Arab peace initiative.

The 2002 Arab initiative offered Israel normal relations in return for full withdrawal from all Arab land and a just solution to the issue of Palestinian refugees.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose country has been engaged in indirect peace talks with Israel, said the Arab peace initiative was "dead" and urged Arab states to end all "direct and indirect" ties with the Jewish state.

"I consider the Arab initiative with Israel "dead", he said.

Khaled Meshaal, Hamas's Damascus-based leader, told the opening session of an emergency conference on Gaza his group would not accept Israeli conditions for a truce and would fight on until the offensive ended.

"Despite all the destruction in Gaza, I assure you: we will not accept Israel's conditions for a ceasefire," Meshaal said.

Continue reading here.

Related news:

Qatar suspends ties with Israel
Venezuela, Bolivia cut ties to Israel over Gaza

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Does Islam Promote Violence?

Excerpt from the 20 Most Common Questions asked by Non-Muslims (who have some knowledge of Islam), by Dr. Zakir Abdul Karim Naik.



Doesn’t Islam promote violence, bloodshed and brutality since the Qur’an says that Muslims should kill the kuffar where ever they find them?


A few selected verses from the Qur’an are often misquoted to perpetuate the myth that Islam promotes violence, and exhorts its followers to kill those outside the pale of Islam.

1. Verse from Surah Taubah

The following verse from Surah Taubah is very often quoted by critics of Islam, to show that Islam promotes violence, bloodshed and brutality:

“Kill the mushriqeen (pagans, polytheists, kuffar) where ever you find them.”
[Al-Qur’an 9:5]

2. Context of verse is during battlefield

Critics of Islam actually quote this verse out of context. In order to understand the context, we need to read from verse 1 of this surah. It says that there was a peace treaty between the Muslims and the Mushriqs (pagans) of Makkah. This treaty was violated by the Mushriqs of Makkah. A period of four months was given to the Mushriqs of Makkah to make amends. Otherwise war would be declared against them. Verse 5 of Surah Taubah says:

“But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is oft-forgiving, Most merciful.”
[Al-Qur’an 9:5]

This verse is quoted during a battle.

3. Example of war between America and Vietnam

We know that America was once at war with Vietnam. Suppose the President of America or the General of the American Army told the American soldiers during the war: “Wherever you find the Vietnamese, kill them”. Today if I say that the American President said, “Wherever you find Vietnamese, kill them” without giving the context, I will make him sound like a butcher. But if I quote him in context, that he said it during a war, it will sound very logical, as he was trying to boost the morale of the American soldiers during the war.

4. Verse 9:5 quoted to boost morale of Muslims during battle

Similarly in Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 5 the Qur’an says, “Kill the Mushriqs where ever you find them”, during a battle to boost the morale of the Muslim soldiers. What the Qur’an is telling Muslim soldiers is, don’t be afraid during battle; wherever you find the enemies kill them.

5. Shourie jumps from verse 5 to verse 7

Arun Shourie is one of the staunchest (most firm/steadfast) critics of Islam in India. He quotes the same verse, Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 5 in his book ‘The World of Fatwahs’, on page 572. After quoting verse 5 he jumps to verse 7 of Surah Taubah. Any sensible person will realise that he has skipped verse 6.

6. Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 6 gives the answer

Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 6 gives the answer to the allegation that Islam promotes violence, brutality and bloodshed. It says:

“If one amongst the pagans asks thee for asylum (refuge), grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure that is because they are men without knowledge.”
[Al-Qur’an 9:6]

The Qur’an not only says that a Mushriq seeking asylum during the battle should be granted refuge, but also that he should be escorted to a secure place. In the present international scenario, even a kind, peace-loving army General, during a battle, may let the enemy soldiers go free, if they want peace. But which army General will ever tell his soldiers, that if the enemy soldiers want peace during a battle, don’t just let them go free, but also escort them to a place of security?

This is exactly what Allah (swt) says in the Glorious Qur’an to promote peace in the world.

By: Dr. Zakir Abdul Karim Naik


May this brief explanation help to improve the understanding of my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, as well as the Non-Muslims in understanding the real Islam. Islam is a religion that promotes peace and serenity.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Who says boycott campaign won’t work?

I was called to give response to a letter entitled “Boycotting US products won’t work”, sent by a reader, which appeared here. Personally, to some extent, I don’t agree with him. It’s up to the readers to judge it. But everyone has his/her own opinion.


Boycotting US products won’t work

DOES former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad seriously think that boycotting US products will work?

(Yes, I agree that the boycott campaign will definitely work, provided that everyone unites for it. And Tun Dr. Mahathir was not the first and the only one who initiated the move. Many international Muslim scholars have given the fatwa that boycotting the enemies’ products is necessary, at least to weaken them, err..but no fatwa from Malaysian scholars yet, particularly from JAKIM, National Fatwa Council, or Mufti of each state)

I say his suggestion, though noble, will never work because Malaysians, especially the young, love the US too much for the boycott to work.

(How can he’s very sure that the young Malaysians love the US to much? Prove it. Or the writer is one of those who love the US very much. As long as the information is delivered, and proper explanation is given, it’s impossible that everyone will just close their eyes. If one of every 10 person supports the boycott, it will still make difference and small change. Maybe the writer has never heard about the Starfish story)

There is also a call to boycott Israeli products. Unless I have been asleep all these years, as far as I know Malaysia does not have direct trade with Israel, least of all diplomatic ties. So what products are we supposed to boycott?

(I think the writer has been asleep all these years. The boycott campaign states that we should boycott all the products and companies that had track record of financially supporting Israel. And of course, when they support Israel financially, they support the killing of innocent people too, particularly Muslims. And not all products that contribute to the development of Israel come from the US. Some of them are from Switzerland, France, etc. So read, listen and think carefully before giving any comments)

I know of products that are marketed in Malaysia that are manufactured by American Jews, British Jews, French Jews, Russian Jews and so on. But they are not Jews who live in Israel and, as the unwritten rule goes, they are exempted and can trade with Malaysia.

Or is Dr Mahathir also referring to them too? If that is so, then I can tell you our country will be totally crippled overnight. The reality of it all is that we are too dependent on the US. It is our No. 1 trade partner, and we have no other choice but to be dependent on the US.

(I agree that US is one of the main trade partner of Malaysia. But who says that we have no other choice but to be dependent on the US? Opps..the writer said so. For certain categories of products, yes it’s true. For the moment, we may not have alternative for Intel (the microprocessor). In fact, the whole world is depending on it. But instead of Dell, there’re many other alternatives. We can still buy and use Toshiba, Acer, Asus, Fujitsu, Compaq, Sony, BenQ, etc. Look at the list of the brands that financially supports Israel. Is it true that we don’t really have alternatives? Unless you love their products very much, of course you don’t want to use other brands, it’s your own choice. I don’t have to list down all the products here since they’re being spread everywhere now)

We must be realistic and use the means at hand to get the world to unite against the US and Israel. We must be more forceful and vocal in the United Nations, NAM and OIC. We must bust their veto power.

(Yeah, be realistic. It means that we have to wait till all Palestinians be killed or chased out from their land, and Palestine will be erased from the world map. Only at that time the world will unite against the US and Israel. Who will listen to us? UN, NAM, OIC, Arab League are all no use now. They take months to meet and make decision, and by the time they agree on certain decisions, the Jews have succeeded in killing Muslims and conquering the world)

Malaysia may be a small country but with proper planning and support of all UN members it can work. I think Wisma Putra should be able to initiate this move. Forget boycotting US and Israeli products as it is a waste of time and energy.

(Boycotting is not a waste of time and energy. It’s one of the actions that we are merely capable of, other than praying, donating money, joining the protest, signing the petition, etc. If someone thinks that it’s a waste of time and energy, then he doesn’t need to join it. But don’t disturb others who are willing to do it. Another alternative, he can wait until he becomes the Prime Minister of Malaysia, or the chairman of OIC, or the Secretary General of UN so that he can get the world to unite against the US and Israel. I pray that the day will come very soon)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Arab leaders risk losing legitimacy: Qaradawi

By: Anwar Elshamy

ISLAMIC scholar Sheikh Dr. Yousuf al-Qaradawi yesterday warned the leaders of Arab nations against “losing legitimacy if they kept turning a deaf ear to the voice of their peoples,” while renewing his call for a boycott of Israeli and US goods over “the ongoing onslaught on the Gaza Strip.”

In his Friday sermon at the Munira al-Suweidi mosque, Qaradawi criticised the failure of Arab regimes to “even convene an emergency summit to tackle the assault on Gaza.”

“I wonder what is the use of the arms which Arab regimes buy for billions of dollars and stockpile until they rust. I would like to tell them: Shame on you rulers to see your brethren being slaughtered while you are sitting on the fence,” he told a large congregation gathered from around Qatar to attend a rally in protest against Israel’s military offensive in Gaza.

Qaradawi, who is the president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, also urged Muslims around the world to reach out to the Palestinians by all possible means.

“It is the duty of all Muslims around the world to fight against an enemy invading any Muslim nation. But because border and crossing points are closed, Muslims are required to help out the resistance by giving donations and boycotting the goods of enemies,” he added.

The scholar also slammed the US stance on the Gaza crisis, saying it “failed to lead the world both in politics and economics. It has double standards for everything.”

“America is behaving as if it is a deity of the world. The West will fall the same way the former Soviet Union collapsed if they do not reconsider their stances,” he added.

Qaradawi also hailed the the Venezuelan president’s decision to expel Israel’s ambassador as a “courageous stance”, saying that no Arab country among those maintaining ties with Israel dared even to “threaten the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador.”

He also called for activating the boycott of the products of specific companies working in the Muslim world, saying that some of these companies were thought to support Israel.

“In Qatar we have Marks & Spencer which allocates the profits of Saturdays for Israel on a regular basis. Also there is Starbucks which contributes to the education and armament of Israel,” he said.

He also called on the Palestinian Authority led by President Mahmoud Abbas not to “sit on the fence and blackmail the people of Gaza.”

Source: Gulf Times

Monday, January 5, 2009

Boycott US goods and currency

PUTRAJAYA: The world community should boycott the United States’ currency and products to pressure the superpower to stop supporting the violent attacks by Israel against Palestine, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said.

The former prime minister said while governments might not be able to support the move as many were “scared stiff” of the superpower, the people could play their part to “save Palestine.”

“The people can act and they have the capacity to act,” he said, saying that the people need not consume US-branded soft drinks and that the government can’t force them to drink it.

“If we need to buy weapons, we can always buy them from Russia instead of the United States.

“The boycott will have to be a universal effort. If confined to Malaysia alone, it is not going to be effective, but Malaysians must also play their part.

“We must not allow ourselves to be cowed. Even if we do little things, I think we can achieve quite a lot,” he told a press conference Monday to talk on the latest developments in the Middle East.

Dr Mahathir, who is also the chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War, however acknowledged that there would be a price to pay if countries stopped trading with the world’s major trading nation.

“There is a price to pay for everything. If we want to do something good, then there will be a price to pay. I think if you whittle down involvement with the United States, slowly we will get used to it,” he said.

He said the best and the quickest solution to the Palestine issue was for the United States to stop supporting Israel’s atrocities, adding that while Israel was to be blamed for the deaths and maiming of thousands of Palestinians including women and children, the US and British governments should also be blamed for their “supportive role.”

“The United States is already paying the price for this. Their embassies have to have high walls and barbed wire all around. People hate the United States, but if they want to be hated by people it’s their business. But the support (for Israel) must stop,” he said.

Dr Mahathir said Malaysia’s effort to initiate the convening of a special United Nations general assembly should be supported, adding the assembly should meet and seek a resolution for Israel to pull out of Gaza and stop the atrocities.

“There are opinions that the fight between Israelis and Palestinians is about religion. The crisis is not a religious struggle between Muslims and Jews. It is a fight about territorial issues,” he said.

Dr Mahathir said he would talk with local non-governmental organisations on boycotting US products and would also write to several leaders to urge them to play their part in putting a stop to the killings in Palestine.

Source: The Star Online

Sunday, January 4, 2009

SMS Palestin

Menyayat hati sungguh tatkala mendengar dan melihat penderitaan umat Islam di Palestin yg tiada penghujungnya. Zionist laknatullah terus berselera meratah daging dan menghisap darah saudara-saudara kita di sana. Hati mana yg tidak rasa sakit. Tapi apakan daya, kita tidak mampu untuk sama-sama mengangkat senjata bersama mereka. Padahal kewajipan jihad sudah datang pada setiap umat Islam tatkala ini. Hanya sempadan geografi dan politik yg menjadi penghalang..

Semalam dan hari ni saya ada menerima SMS yg sama, tapi daripada 2 orang yg berbeza. Begini bunyinya:

"Tolong bacakan Lailahaillah, allahuakbar & Surah al-Ikhlas 3x utk masjid Aqsa yg sedang dikepung oleh israel. SMSkan kpd 10 org rakan anda. AMANAH".

Saya percaya, ramai yg di luar sana juga menerima SMS sebegini. So, what do you think? Bila saya menerima SMS ini, geli hati pun ada juga. Apakah dengan membaca Lailahaillah, allahuakbar & Surah al-Ikhlas 3x cukup utk menyelamatkan masjid Aqsa dan memusnahkan Yahudi? Padahal dalam masa yg sama, sedar atau tak, kita masih lagi membantu Yahudi dengan membeli dan menggunakan produk mereka serta produk yg menyumbang ke arah pembangunan Yahudi.

Alangkah baik kalau SMS tu meminta kita berdoa sungguh-sungguh pd Allah agar menyelamatkan umat Islam dan menghancurkan musuh. Dalam ramai yg mengangkat dan menadah tangan memohon bantuan Allah, pastinya ada yg mustajab. Ataupun gunakan SMS utk menyebarkan kpd rakan-rakan tentang produk yg menyumbang kepada pembangunan Yahudi, yg mana haram dibeli dan digunakan (melainkan tiada alternatif lain).

Tidak salah membaca Lailahaillah, allahuakbar & Surah al-Ikhlas, malahan akan beroleh pahala berzikir & membaca Qur'an bila kita ikhlas kerana Allah. Tapi apa pula kaitannya antara bacaan Lailahaillah, allahuakbar & Surah al-Ikhlas dengan jaminan keselamatan dan kemenangan umat Islam di Palestin? Umat Islam dan bukan Islam kini di seluruh dunia berdemonstrasi mengutuk Israel, menandatangani petsiyen, menyerahkan memorandum, memboikot barangan Israel serta lain-lain lagi.

Perkara semacam ini samalah dengan membacakan Al-Qur'an utk dihadiahkan pd si mati. Orang kita lebih suka memilih bacaan Qur'an, dengan harapan pahala bacaan tersebut dpt dihadiahkan pd si mati. Sedangkan para ulama' berkhilaf pendapat tentang bacaan ini, samada ia sampai atau tidak kepada si mati. Apatah lagi kalau yg membaca Qur'an itu mendirikan solat pun tidak, ataupun dengan bacaan yg tidak betul, ataupun sekadar memenuhi undangan keluarga si mati sahaja. Ada ke pahala utknya atas bacaanya? Bagaimana dia nak hadiahkan pahala tersebut pd si mati? Dalam hadith Rasulullah pula menyebut, hanya amalan dan doa anak yg soleh sahaja antara yg menjadi bekalan si mati, bukannya org lain.

Berdoa utk kesejahteraan si mati adalah lebih baik dlm hal ini. Doa, apabila dimakbulkan Allah, maka sudah tentu si mati akan mendapat manfaatnya. Doa boleh terus dibuat kepada Allah, tanpa memerlukan sebarang perantaraan.

Berbalik kepada SMS tadi, kemudian ia perlu dihantar kpd 10 rakan yg lain kerana ia adalah AMANAH. Ye, beginilah segelintir dari kalangan kita. Pantang dapat SMS, terus di forward pd org lain tanpa memikirkan kebenaran & rasionalnya dulu walaupun niat kita utk berbuat kebajikan.

Ayuh kita fikirkan!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Message to my fellow brothers and sisters

My blogging activity has been temporarily off for more than a month. But today, I feel it's one of my responsibilities to write something in response to the Israeli's attack on Gaza, which has killed more than 400 innocent Muslims after a week. What a shame on Arab leaders who just stay away, like nothing happened. But some have done something...something terrible and shameful when Egypt and Jordan did not even open their borders to let the Palestinians go thorough. Maybe they're happy to see their fellow Muslims be killed innocently.

Yeah, it's true that the Jewish will never make peace with Muslims till the Day. If that's the case, so we are. We'll keep fighting them till death, and never make peace with them. We have to believe that one day, they will be slaughtered in their current illegal land which they have stolen from Muslims. That's the promise, the fact anyone cannot deny before the Day comes.

In this current situation, all Muslims should protest and go against the Israeli, no matter how. The least, of course we can always pray to Allah, to give the strength to our fellow Muslims there to keep fighting the Israeli. Some ask to sign the petition, join the demonstration, give donations, boycott all the Israeli's and others' who support Israel. Yeah, do it. At least we do something. Come on my fellow brothers ans sisters. Show our sensitivity towards our fellow Muslims there.

Boycotting all products that contribute to Israel can be a very significant effort. But what I feel sorry is, Muslims just keen to do it just for a while. Hangat-hangat tahi ayam. After few days or weeks, we start to forget it. Then we start to buy and use all those products again. Come one! If we decide to do it, then do it wholeheartedly, and no turning back. Just imagine that every single dollar that we pay, they will use it to buy a bullet to kill our Muslims brothers and sisters there. Of course it's haram to support them. I agree that some products we don't really have alternatives. Maybe that's an execption, but very few. I believe that we have so many other alternatives, in fact our own Muslims' product.

Look here what Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi said:

"Each riyal, dirham …etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, it is an obligation not to help them (the enemies of Islam) by buying their goods. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression."

Let us do it together. Let us begin now, and remember, no turning back. You can have good informations about this Boycott Israel Campaing at Innovative Minds. May Allah consider this as a jihad in helping our borthers and sisters in Palestine. Let me list down some of the significant products that really contribute to Israel, and of course support the killing of Muslims. There're still hundred of them actually. Details of each product can be retrieved by clicking on its name.

- Starbucks
- Nestle
- Coca-cola
- Nokia
- Disney
- McDonalds
- Danone
- Johnson & Johnson
- Arsenal Football Club

Let us save and help our fellow Muslims.