Friday, October 19, 2012

Bolehkah beramal dan menyebarkan hadith dho'if

Lama benar rasanya tidak singgah di blog sendiri, apatah lagi untuk mencoret sesuatu. Hari ini terpanggil untuk menjenguk kembali ke alam 'blogging' yang suatu ketika dulu saya kira saya agak aktif. Benar, tidak perlu untuk menggunakan masa berjam-jam untuk menulis sesuatu, tetapi cukup sekadar saya berkongsi sesuatu yg ringkas..mungkin berita, video, ataupun kata-kata nasihat untuk direnungkan bersama..

Pada 7 Jun yang lepas, alhamdulillah warga Malaysia di London berbesar hati menerima kunjungan Dr. MAZA bagi menyampaikan sedikit tazkirah bersempena bulan Ramadhan yang bakal tiba beberapa hari selepas itu. Saya sempat membuat rakaman sesi tazkirah beliau, dan di sini ingin saya kongsikan bersama. Moga ada manfaat buat semua.. Insya Allah.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Tribute to Datuk Lee Chong Wei

The first Olympics gold medal was so close, but yet so far from us. Well done DLCW for giving your best! Though you have to settle as settle as the second best (to Lin Dan), you are always the best for the Malaysians.

-Picture from NST-

Even in defeat, he still had some good words for his opponents. That's the true sportsmanship from a true hero.
"There are many good players like Peter Gade, Taufik Hidayat but there is only one Lin Dan. He is a fantastic player, a very strong rival and also a very good friend.”

"It's very disappointing to come second to Lin Dan twice in a row but Lin Dan is a very fair player and I respect him highly. This result only means I have to work harder.” (Lee Chong Wei, BWF)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My first videos on Youtube

I just bought my first camcorder.. it's a Panasonic HDC-SD80, not too bad for a beginner like me. Well, I said to myself that, other than personal uses, I wish to use it for something that can benefit many people.. One of them is by sharing videos that may educate people about certain topics. And here are my first ever videos that I have uploaded on Youtube.. 

It's a talk by Bro. Shah Kirit on how to answer some common misconceptions about Islam. The talk was held on 7th March 2012, at Malaysia Hall, London. A total of 9 parts of the videos have been uploaded.. So let's spend sometimes to watch and listen to what he has explained. Masha Allah, it was really educating & interesting.. Keep smiling:)

 Part 1:

You may follow this link if you'd like to have the other 8 parts of the videos:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Menjaga Tutur Kata & Baris Ayat

Adalah amat tidak wajar untuk ahli agama (ustaz, ustazah, ulama') berbicara dengan bahasa yang kasar, apatah lagi kata-kata tersebut kelihatan seperti mengeji & memaki pihak lain, walaupun pihak tersebut ternyata salah atau berdosa.. kerana Rasulullah tidak pernah berbuat demikian..

Tidak kira siapa pun kita, bersama-samalah kita menjaga tutur kata, agar yang keluar dari bibir kita hanyalah yang baik-baik saja. Jika tiada apa yang baik untuk dituturkan, sebaiknya berdiam diri itu lebih baik.

Dalam dunia penulisan juga begitu. Biarlah apa yang ditulis ada manfaat untuk diri sendiri & manusia lain.. Jika tiada manfaatnya, cubalah untuk tidak menyebabkan mudarat.