Friday, November 26, 2010

Values of Friendship

Well, I’ve been going through the challenging moments since the last  few weeks, and hopefully it will come to the end in 1-2 weeks time. Sometimes, I simply forget to have my lunch on its right time, though I could still have it at 4 or 5 pm.

In fact, all of these challenging situations that I need to go through have taught me to be more systematic and well-organized. Apart from the physical fitness, it also requires mental strength, excellent environment with no external disturbance, as well as proper guide from the right person. I feel so lucky for having friends and seniors who are willing to offer their kind assistances and guidance to me, to ensure that I am on the right track.

Friends may not be able to pull you up
But friends will still think of ways not to let you fall
Friends are those with us in tears and joy.

Oo.. Allah, please make it easy for me, for the family and for all of my friends.. ameen.


tasha said...

salam nazri, dh sampai di bumi UK ke?

mr fotografer said...

tasha, sy msh di bumi Malaysia ni. My inital plan was to fly on 10th, tp mcm kelam kabut skit, so delayed to 17th. But my s/v told me that if I arrive at that time, not much I can do as the uni will be closing down from 22nd until early jan. Most probably after xmas lah btolak ke sana.. cuma status skrg dah study leave la..tgh bcuti di kampung.

tak sempat lah jumpa klu awk report duty bulan dec ni. btw, wish u all the best!