Friday, July 17, 2009

Drive Away vs. Drive Thru!

One and half month ago, I joined a two-days seminar on academic and entrepreneurship at UKM, Bangi. There was also an exhibition of Palestine held outside the hall. Something has attracted my eyes.. a car sticker, "McD..Drive Away" I just immediately grabbed it, put it on my car as soon as I came back home.

Stop eating McD, Stop killing Palestinians.

I noticed that lot of people put the McD Drive Thru sticker on their car. And I wonder what's the benefit of putting it. I feel that those people have become silent ambassadors to McD by advertising it to everyone. It's not shocked if someone with less knowledge do that. In fact lot of our peole do not really know what actually happened to our Palestinians. But people like lecturers (that I consider as 'orang2 cerdik') or university staff who put that sticker on their cars, it embarrassing!

Do we get certain privileges at McD drive thru station if the sticker is there? Please let me know..I don't have any experience buying drive thru McD.

I'm not against those who really love eating McD, but again let us show our care and support to our Palestinian brothers and sisters. If you still can't leave it, you don't have to become the silent ambassadors to McD. This is the least we can do.

Our care and support to Palestinians are not seasonal.

It's just my personal opinion.


Illi Puad said...

yeah....i like...mmg tak fhm nape perlu nk jd ambassador tak rasmi utk fast food itu....siap ade yg vip, vvip lah..xde makne nye..kt mn bleh dpt sticker itu ye? bleh tampal kt tingkap umah skali ;p

mr fotografer said...

Hm...that's right! Kat mana nak dpt tu yg tgh usahakan skrg ni, kna contact balik pihak penganjur prog hr tu, rsnya bleh dpt kot. Hr tu beli satu je (RM2 je padahal)..klu beli byk, boleh jgk poskan ke manchester sana..haha.