Saturday, October 27, 2007

Make a Difference..

Dear beloved

This one is similar of the boy throwing starfish into the sea. Truly, you never know what kind of impact you will make in someone's life today by your actions, or even lack of actions.

Watch this 5 min touching video clip and be inspired today <> (p/s: pls turn your speaker on)

Life makes sense when we seek first to understand, then be understood.

Joanne Lee


The Starfish Story

Adapted from The Star Thrower, by Loren Eiseley, 1907 – 1977

Once upon a time, there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work.One day, as he was walking along the shore, he looked down the beach and saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought of someone who would dance to the day, and so, he walked faster to catch up.

As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was that of a young man, and that what he was doing was not dancing at all. The young man was reaching down to the shore, picking up small objects, and throwing them into the ocean.

He came closer still and called out "Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?"

The young man paused, looked up, and replied "Throwing starfish into the ocean."

"I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?" asked the somewhat startled wise man.

To this, the young man replied, "The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don't throw them in, they'll die."

Upon hearing this, the wise man commented, "But, young man, do you not realize that there are miles and miles of beach and there are starfish all along every mile? You can't possibly make a difference!"

At this, the young man bent down, picked up yet another starfish, and threw it into the ocean. As it met the water, he said, "I made a difference to that one!"


Berkomunikasi dari minda ke minda

Apabila kita mengingati seseorang, dan jika ingatan kita itu jujur, ikhlas dan bertanggungjawab, dan tiada sebarang gangguan, kita sebenarnya telah pun menghantar gelombang minda kepada orang itu. Kita mungkin akan mendapat tindak balas yg menakjubkan.

Jika ingatan kita terhadapnya adalah yg baik-baik, dalam masa yg sama Insya ALLAH dia akan mengingat yg baik-baik juga tentang kita.

Maka kerana itulah, pada saat-saat tertentu kita akan terkenangkan seseorang yg telah lama tidak kita temui secara tiba-tiba. Barangkali pada saat itu orang berkenaan sedang memikirkan tentang kita dan gelombang mindanya telah mengembara dan akhirnya sampai kepada kita.

Gelombang minda ini akan lebih hebat kesannya terhadap mereka yg mempunyai jalinan emosi ataupun pertalian darah yg rapat seperti suami isteri, ibu dan anak, adik beradik kembar dan rakan seiras.

Apakah kita tidak merasakan betapa imaginasi sebenarnya mampu melakukan jauh lebih hebat daripada apa yg kita fikirkan? Hebatnya kekuasaan ALLAH SWT...!

(Dipetik daripada buku "Membina Imaginasi Cemerlang", p124, oleh Dr. HM Tuah Iskandar al-haj)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Zakat Berbaki Atau Kita Kurang Bijak Membahagi

Oh, mmg ada artikel yg Tuan Mufti tulis pasal zakat ni. Sy pernah mendengar drp kuliah hadith beliau yg bertajuk Jihad Bukan Keganasan, tp ada disentuh pasal zakat. Thanks to Tun Abdul Muiz for the info. Sama-samalah kita baca & renungkan.

Zakat Berbaki Atau Kita Kurang Bijak Membahagi at


Episod Bersamamu...Istimewa Hari Raya

27 Ramadhan 1428H…9:32 pagi

Tiba-tiba rasa terpanggil untuk mencoretkan sesuatu di pagi ini, tatkala dalam 2 atau 3 hari lagi seluruh umat Islam bakal merayakan hari raya Aidilfitri, salah satu drp perayaan agong umat Islam, bagi meraikan kejayaan sebulan menunaikan ibadah puasa, juga ibadah-ibadah sunat yg lain.

Hari Raya..biasanya hari utk kita bersuka-ria, bergelak tawa bersama kerabat keluarga, sajabat handai, yg mungkin sudah lama tidak bersua, atau mungkin juga setiap hari bersua muka, namun pertemuan pd hari raya, sedikit kelainan terasa.. Malaysia, sebuah negara yg kaya raya, aman damai wlupun berbilang bangsa, yg mana majoritinya bangsa Melayu, dan boleh dikatakan secara umumnya beragama Islam. Namun tidak semuanya aku rasakan menyambut raya dengan kemeriahan. Masih ramai saudara seislam kita yg hidup melarat, meminta, pakaian tidak bertukar saban tahun, kais pagi makan pagi, kais makan makan petang..malahan ada yg tidak mampu utk menyekolahkan anak-anak kerana ketiadaan wang.

Aku teringatkan tentang zakat fitrah, yg mana wajib di bayar oleh setiap umat Islam, yg sempat hidup dalam bulan Ramadhan, termasuklah seorang bayi yg dilahirkan sebelum terbenamnya matahari hari terakhir Ramadhan. Zakat, yg mana berfungsi utk membantu saudara seislam kita yg dalam kesusahan, meringankan beban mereka, lebih-lebih lagi di Aidilfitri yg mulia ini. Tapi sejauh mana kah bantuan yg telah dihulurkan pd mereka? Dan jika ada bantuan pun, adakah kadar yg diberikan itu mencukupi utk mereka meneruskan kehidupan sebagaimana orang lain?

Aku sekadar ingin mengajak kalian berfikir sejenak... Rakyat Malaysia, yg jumlahnya hampir 26 juta, dan kalau kita andaikan org Melayu, dengan mengambil kira setiap mereka beragama Islam, maka jumlah umat Islam di Malaysia mencecah 13 juta orang. Cuba kita hitung, setiap orang drp 13 juta ini membayar zakat fitrah, dengan kadar RM5 sekepala, maka jumlah yg terkumpul adalah RM65 juta setiap tahun. Itu hanyalah hasil kutipan drp zakat fitrah. Belum lagi kita hitung dengan zaka-zakat lain; Zakat pendapatan, pertanian, perniagaan, hasil galian, barang kemas, dll. Mungkin jumlah yg terkumpul boleh mencecah RM100 juta setiap tahun (dengan menganggap bhw Umat Islam di Malaysia peka terhadap zakat-zakat lain yg wajib mereka bayar).

Dengan kutipan zakat yg ckup banyak setiap tahun, secara logiknya tiada lg umat kita yg hidup melarat, meminta-minta, yg tinggal dalam pondok-pondok buruk di pedalaman.. Namun yg mendukacitakan, ke mana perginya hasil kutipan ini? Efektif kah pengagihan yg dibuat? Kita bukan menuding jari pada pihak tertentu, tp kita perlu fikirkan hal ini berasama-sama. Sampai bila umat Islam akan terus melarat di negara sendiri? Kalau keadaan berterusan begini, mampu kah kita menurunkan tahap kemiskinan di negara kita ke tahap yg minimum?

Kalau ada pun bantuan yg dihulurkan kepada golongan miskin, terutamanya yg tidak berupaya, cthnya melalui pusat kebajikan masyarakat, berapa lah sgt kadarnya.. Cuma RM150 atau RM200 sebulan, sedangkan yg berjaya dikutip setiap tahun mencecah ratusan juta! Tanyalah pd diri kita sendiri, mampukah kita hidup di zaman ini, berbekalkan hanya RM150 yg diperolehi itu? Kalaulah pihak-pihak yg berkenaan dapat fikirkan hal ini, letakkan diri mereka di tempat org-org yg memerlukan, insya Allah segalanya akan berakhir.

Mengharapkan bantuan yg tidak kunjung tiba drp pihak yg sepatutnya membela nasib umat Islam yg melarat, ramai pihak lain yg turun padang utk membantu. TV3 dengan program Bersamamu...artis & celebriti yg sanggup masuk ke kampung-kampung, turun ke sawah, menyelami kesusahan yg umat kita alami..menghulurkan sedikit bantuan hasil drp ihsan org ramai. Kutipan drp Jom Heboh, so called “konsert-konsert amal”, dan sebagainya... Bukan aku ingin memuji & memartabatkan para selebriti, tp apa yg mereka lakukan, itulah yg sepatutnya..carai siapa yg memerlukan & hulurkan bantuan. Tapi ke mana perginya pihak yg sepatutnya membuat kerja-kerja ini, yg telah diamanahkan utk membantu mereka yg susah? Adakah mereka hanya bangga dapat mengutip ratusan juta setiap tahun, dan menyimpannya di bank, dengan sekadar bberapa peratusan kecil yg akhirnya diagihkan pd umat Islam yg memerlukan? Ini bukan ajaran Islam yg sebenar. Mereka sepatutnya turun padang, masuk ke kampung pedalaman, selami kesusahan yg mereka alami, cari siapa yg perlu dibantu, bukan hanya duduk di pejabat, goyang kaki & menunggu orang-orang uzur tersebut datang utk meminta bantuan. Dan kalau ada pun, makcik-makcik & pakcik-pakcik tua yg sudah uzur, terpaksa dtg ke pejabat kebajikan, mengisi borang yg berjela-jela panjangnya, dengan pelbagai syarat & dokumen yg perlu disertakan, dan itu pun belum tentu permohonan tersebut diluluskan. Wahai saudaraku, kenapa sebegitu susah sekadar utk menghulurkan sesuap nasi kpd yg memerlukan? Sedangkan mereka hidup senang lenang dengan gaji yg dibayar oleh kerajaan setiap bulan...

Kalaulah zakat kita perolehi setiap tahun, diagih & digunakan sepenuhnya utk pembangunan Umat Islam, nescaya kita akan lebih maju, lebih berdaya saing dalam bidang ekonomi, dan yg paling penting, meringankan beban mereka..kerana mereka semua adalah saudara seislam kita.

Semoga kemeriahan Hari Raya kali ini tidak sekali-kali mebuatkan kita lupa pada saudara-saudara kita yg memerlukan


Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Fairy-tale of life…choices…and dreams

While doing the final year project, I had actually started applying for some jobs, even at that time, I still didn’t have a clear picture of what am I going to do, i.e. which direction, what area, for how long, and what would be my long-term aim? Those were some of the questions running in my head. I considered that I was one of the lucky people since I’ve gotten offers from a few companies just after my graduation in last December. In fact, it was hard for me to decide which company should I join..huh. Anyway, after giving thorough consideration on which company should I join, based on some significant and relevant factors, then I made up my mind. I had few choices, and what I had to do was to just choose ONE of them.

I was about to join one of the companies..a local and well-established consulting engineering firm, with good track records not only in Malaysia, but they have also started expanding the business in the Middle East. I’ve verbally given them my word that I’d like to be part of them, and they were very happy to welcome me too. By that time, I started to have a better picture of what jobs I was going to do, and what types of people would be around me should I join the company.

During my undergraduate study, I had the feeling and desire to become an engineer. Why? It was obvious.. I would have an engineering degree, though it is not necessary that I will end up working as an engineer. My education, my thinking, and my lifestyle that I’ve gone through before made me think that I had to gain experience in the real engineering industries. Sound that I was too fanatic with engineering world, right? Yet, I’d be very happy also if one day, I could become an academician, a university’s lecturer. And that’s maybe my final destination, who knows..

Less than a week before I had to report my duty at the company, I received a call from someone who is really familiar to me, my lecturer, who was also my FYP supervisor. A call that actually has significantly urged me to think again about my earlier decision, a call that has caused me to deviate a little bit from my original plan. Ahh…why did he call me this time..? I took a long deep breath, a sigh before answering his call.

Let me shorten the story, so eventually, because of that call, I decided to join him as a research assistant (RA), and at the same time, I registered as a postgraduate student. I started doing the research at the end of January this year, though supposedly I should start working at the company on 2nd February. Can you imagine how did I let them know that I couldn’t join them? It was so hard for me to do a ruin to myself and also to my university. But, thanks to Allah, when I informed them about my decision, they accepted it without any hesitation at all. For me, they were very professionals, and that's the way how professionals should behave. I wished that what have I done, wouldn’t ruin the reputation of IIUM graduates in general. Yeah, it was fact, after sometimes, they called me back, asked me to recommend someone I know to join their company. What a big trust and favor from them… Hmm..then I had someone in my mind, recommended him (not her, ok), and alhamdulillah, with his capability and qualification, he was appointed there. Congratulation! He’s still there till now, and I guess he enjoys his working environment. And me? I was still an RA, doing research in my lab until April 2007. (looks like I didn’t even shorten my story, huhu).

Well, I forgot to tell earlier that I was also suggested by some of the top and prominent people in the university to apply for Assistant Lecturer. Haha… I’ve never dreamt of getting that position. I thought that it was only for those who have super duper crazy excellent results in their undergraduate study, with some outstanding awards received during convocation, like a few of my colleagues, who are now studying in various parts of the world, i.e., Kyoto and Manchester.. hehe, you must have known those guys, right? Though I’ve never dreamt for it, but because of some effort that I’ve put forward to achieve it, and of course with the ultimate help from Him, I was called for an interview, together with the other two friends of mine. Again, to make the story short, we were accepted as academic staff in IIUM, and I officially reported my duty on 3rd May 2007 (Thursday). It was a historical and nostalgic date to me. I still remember, on the same date, but 5 years ago (3rd May 2002), when I was in matriculation centre, I had a very nice and sweet incident…one of the dates that I will always remember (guys are not that bad in remembering dates, huh)

I enjoyed my work as an RA, on a project of bioconversion of plant biomass into high-value added compound, meant for anticancer application. I was the first who has officially joined the project. Then, Shareef came. He actually has been working as RA before that too, but for another project. And what a big surprise!! Something unexpected has happened then, one of my friends who decided not to join the project, in the end, decided to join us too. We had also some other companions, mostly those who were finishing their Masters in the lab. It was a nice working and research environment. But of course, sometimes we had to work outside office hours, even at night. That’s the nature of research oriented work.

Now, I’m one of the staff at the department of Biotechnology Engineering, IIUM. No more research in the lab. As assistant lecturer (in IIUM), we normally won’t be assigned any course to teach (we’re not qualified enough actually), but people will normally ask, what course am I teaching? My HOD has already asked any staff who hasn’t earned Masters and PhD to pursue their study ASAP, and it shouldn’t be in Malaysia. So, I had to forget my original plan to do, at least my Masters in IIUM. Life is capricious, huh..that's make life becomes interesting. No problems, no fun! Yup, I won’t go against the boss's decision. I started looking for some relevant graduate programs offered by overseas universities, mainly in the USA and UK. And I realized that it was also a tough job. I’ve talked to many people with different educational backgrounds to ask for their opinions. What do you expect? Hmm…most of them suggested me to go to the US, even my dean prefers that too. Well, we’ll see in the near future, where shall I be going…haha. I know that I was not supposed to stay here for a long time.

As a young academician (is it?), in term of workload, maybe it’s not that heavy when compared with that of other lecturers. In the first two months, I had nothing to do. I came at 8.30 am (sometimes 9.30 am or 10.00 am..), and went back around 6 pm. For that reason, I would go to the lab since most of my friends were still working there. At least, we could still have lunch together. But later, I was assigned to be the coordinator of Seminar course for the department. It’s just once in a week, every Friday. Now, I’m handling 3 sections of seminar, consists of a total of 95 students. It’s a large number, right? Lucky it’s only on every Friday, otherwise I’ll be dying doing the jobs alone, i.e. inviting speakers, marking the summary forms, preparing and marking quizzes, key in students' mark into system, consultation with students (konon2)…bla-bla. Don’t be surprised, I’ve issued two warning letters to students who have failed to attend my seminar, at least to make them realize, and wake them up that they can’t just play around with me. Maybe later, I’ll issue the barring letter, the most horror letter which will actually fail the students…that’s the worse I’ll do.

Started in the beginning of August, one of my friends left. She got a permanent job in Sungai Buloh. And in beginning of September, one more left…moved to UPSI. Well, I guess that was good for them. Obviously, everyone is looking for better, secure and stable position. And just two days before Ramadhan, another good friend of mine left for her study leave, who was also an assistant lecturer here. Huh..that’s the chronology of the events. The events of leaving and being left.. This is the nature of our temporary life, people come and leave, and it’s not a matter of coming and leaving, but when we’d like to leave, leave properly, and don’t ever leave a scar on others' heart…We are not like prisoners, who can just absconds from prison when they have chances. In the end, all of us we’ll leave this transitory world, to meet our Creator, to face the endless life there. May Allah reward us with His Paradise, amin…

Whatever happened, I’m still standing here today. I’d like to prove and show to others that it was my choice to be here, not because of others. Even though some people have slightly contributed towards my decision, but it was me who decided. I could have actually decided not to be here, and no one could force me, or scold me if I didn’t make the correct choice. After all these challenging path that I’ve gone through, I should thank them all for their endless support, and I believe that they were there because Allah wants them to be there for me, to motivate me, to make myself clear with my goal, and to convince me that I’m truly capable of facing the tribulations. I remember when I was in school, a friend said, “Walk on with your hopes in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone”. I’ll continue to fight, to win the battle myself. My dean said (but I’ve slightly modified it), the journey is like you’re going through a dark and deep tunnel…but at the end of the tunnel, you’ll see a small light, that’s the sign you’re approaching your aims. But if you keep walking and running through a never ending tunnel, no light appears in the end..don’t ever give up because you can still dig up another new tunnel, and who knows, you’ll find a brighter light at the end of that new tunnel. Be creative!! Anyway, it’d be very sweet if I have someone or a group of companions to accompany me along the journey, someone who will always be with me till the end of the line.

In the end, I wish I could stand in the eyes of the world, together with all of you. Only the sky will be the limit for us!! But remember, we still need to look down, to the ground, to the history, even after we have reached the top, because that will always make us remember where did we come from, where did we start, and who were there for us whenever we need their hands and supports to guide us.. and the most vital is, we never forget that because of His ultimate Guidance and Supervision, we could have actually achieved the dreams. Whatever Allah gives us; those are the best for us. It’s not just a fairy-tale, but it’s our choices, our dreams..let’s go for it!!


---> may all our dreams come true!