Saturday, December 31, 2011

Final Notes for 2011

It has been more than 4 years since I started this so-called blogging acitivity. But then I realized that the number of my postings has been decreasing, perhaps I am not so eager (and lazy) to write as compared with the early years..

Yesterday, 30th Dec 2011 was the last Friday in 2011, and I was able to go to the Muslim World League Mosque at Goodge Street, London to perform the Juma'at prayer. In fact, it was the first time I've been there for Juma'at prayer (other than at Imperial College and Malaysia Hall).

Masha Allah, the khutbah was very good. It was clear and precise with extremely good and interesting lesson to share with all the attendees. Though the khutbah was just brief (not too long when compared with our khutbah in Malaysia) but I believe that its content would have touched many hearts.

Unfortunately (due to my weaknesses) I won't be able to share exactly what the Khatib has delivered. His delivery was different in the context that it reached the hearts of many people, I believe. I remember a good friend of mine has told me, when you speak and deliver something from your heart, Insya Allah it will definitely reach and touch the hearts of other people.

This is simply the gist of yesterday's khutbah, based on a Qur'anic verse. A very significant point to ponder upon..

"You may hate something that is good for you, and you may love something that is bad for you. Allah knows, but you do not know." (Surah Al-Baqarah: 216)

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." (Surah Al-Baqarah: 216)

Finally, let's strive to be a better servant of Allah in the coming 2012, because we never know when we'll be returned back to Him.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Freedom (for Palestine)

I can feel the pride in the air
And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out load demanding their right for freedom
This is it and we’re not backing of
Oh God we know You hear our call..

Friday, September 30, 2011

- Friendship -

Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.

Monday, September 26, 2011

24/7 isn't the only way

Wow, it has been a while since I last updated this blog.. and I'm not really sure whether there are still people willing to drop by. The tight schedule (konon2) has somehow prevented me from doing this so-called 'leasure' writing..

Anyway, I just found an interesting article published in Nature, and here are some excerpts of what the author has highlighted:

You expect high-quality work — but you do not measure someone's efforts by time spent in the lab in the evenings or on weekends, rather you measure them by the quality of their data.*

*Overbaugh, J. (2011) 24/7 isn't the only way: A healthy work–life balance can enhance research. Nature 477, p27–28

Indeed it is true. There's nothing wrong to work hard, to work at extra times in order to get good results as good results do not normally come by accident (though sometimes they do). It's just important that we spend some of our precious times with those that we love, or have a cup of tea with friends. Life is too short, so make use of every second of it..

Gambar hiasan ~ zaman muda remaja di lab bersama instrucror & demonstrator..

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Jadilah Diri Sendiri" ~ Sejauh Mana Benarnya?

Jadilah sekuat rumput, tetap utuh walau badai melanda..

Ramai orang berkata "Jadilah diri kita sendiri", "Tak perlu kita ikut orang lain", “Mengapa perlu hipokrit untuk menjadi seperti orang lain?”, dan seumpamanya..

Tidak dinafikan ada benarnya ungkapan-umgkapan tersebut. Tapi bukanlah 100% benar. Ada juga sempadan & limitasinya. Klu dlm diri kita ada kekurangan (yg seharusnya dpt diperbaiki), mana boleh kita terus menerus nak jadi diri kita sendiri. Bila terserlah kesilapan diri, mungkin dek teguran orang lain atau bila bersama dengan orang yg lebih baik, seharusnya kita mencuba utk menuju ke arah yang lebih baik itu. Kita tak boleh statik utk terus "menjadi diri sendiri". Dlm hal ini, situasi di mana kita berada, dengan siapa kita berkawan sebenarnya akan mencorakkan diri kita. Maka pilihlah teman yang baik, yang mampu membawa kita ke jalan yang lebih baik.

Yang salahnya adalah bila kita berlakon untuk kelihatan baik, contohnya bila bersama orang yang baik.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Relax, Sweetheart...

Moga setiap hari kita sentiasa indah..secerah & seindah hari ini..

Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, ALLAH smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end.."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Teruskan Memberi

Memberi kebaikan itu indah..

Walaupun ramai manusia lupa untuk berterima kasih kepada Allah atas segala kurniaan nikmat-Nya, namun Dia tidak pernah berhenti memberi nikmat untuk hamba-Nya.. Justeru siapa kita yang tergamak berhenti memberi hanya kerana tidak mendapat penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih daripada manusia. Bekerjalah dengan ikhlas, walaupun mungkin manusia sekeliling tidak pernah menghargainya, kerana Allah Maha Melihat & Maha Menilai. 
Teruskan tersenyum=)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Solat Gang ~ Jauh Tapi Dekat

Terasa ingin mencoret sesuatu berkenaan rakan-rakan BBM di Malaysia.. "The Solat Gang" itulah nama yang diberi, terdiri daripada 8 orang ahli - Najib, Kasyfi, Fauzan, Syahril, Ariff, Dazrol, Aimran & Nazri.

Dari kiri: Ariff, Kasyfi, Syahril, Nazri, Dazrol & Najib. (Tiada dalam gambar: Fauzan & Aimran)

Selain ahli keluarga, mereka inilah yang saya kira orang-orang yang secara fizikalnya berada nun jauh di Malaysia, tetapi terasa begitu dekat sekali hanya dengan menekan keypad BlackBerry. Komunikasi menjadi rutin harian, perbincangan & perkongsiaan melalui BBM sentiasa menjadi penghubung yang efektif.

Terima kasih rakan-rakan atas sokongan kalian. Semoga ukhuwah antara kita semua bakal berkekalan hingga ke syurga.. Ameen=)


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bangkit Generasi Baru!

Suka saya memetik sedikit tulisan Dr. MAZA berkenaan permainan politik lucah yang kini heboh di Malaysia.. ditujukan khas untuk generasi baru hari ini & hari kemudian. Moga-moga ada sinar Ilahi di sana..


Marilah kita bermufaraqah atau meninggalkan segala pelakon atau watak selekeh yang rela menghalalkan apa sahaja untuk kepentingan politik mereka. Tanpa mengira parti! Mereka mesti diusir dari pemainan bodoh ini. Kita tentang semua pelakon politik yang suka menyelak kain orang. Tak kira kerajaan atau pembangkang. Kita dijadikan ‘penonton bodoh’ yang seakan merelakan apa sahaja watak yang mereka laknnkan. Politik kita memerlukan nafas baru dan dibersihkan dari golongan yang jijik dan kotor ini! Kita perlukan politik idea, bagaimana dan cara membangunkan umat dan rakyat agar hidup berdisiplin, bermaruah dan bertamadun. Bukan cerita-cerita bodoh seperti ini!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam ~ London 2011

The Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam was held on 20th March 2011, at University College London. It was also for the first time such event being held outside Malaysia. The presence of some great and well-known scholars like Dr. MAZA, Dr. UZAR and Dr. Maszlee Malik has attracted the Malaysians from all over UK to come to London. Glad that I was able to go and spend sometimes for it.

 With Dr. MAZA & Br. Firdaus

Pemuda/pemudi seharusnya mampu membaca pelbagai sumber maklumat, menilai satu persatu maklumat tersebut, kemudiannya mengikut & mempraktikkan yang terbaik. - Dr. MAZA, 20 Mac 2011 London

Saturday, March 19, 2011

All England 2011

The trip to Birmingham was fun and memorable.. and the victory of Lee Chong Wei over Lin Dan in the Mens Single Final made it worth the while:-))

A special moment with Peter Gade

At National Indoor Arena


Friday, February 25, 2011

Tawakkal adalah Keajaiban Hidup

It has been almost 2 months since I left Malaysia.. Life in London seems good, so far. But sometimes I just feel so lonely and tired, which cause the level of motivation to drop.. And it's not easy to regain it.

Thanks to my friend, Noor illiey for the useful tips and advices. Also for providing the link "Tawakkal adalah Keajaiban Hidup", by Dr. Mohd Asri. Masha Allah, it is surely good reminder to all of us. He is the ONE who has created us, also the ONE who keeps providing everything for us.. but in most of the occasions, we tend to simply forget Him. 

 Oo.. Allah, guide our steps and don't let us go astray..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Never Stop..

Never stop till you reach the top, but once you reach the top, never forget to look down – to the ground.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Back in 2004, I received a lovely SMS from a friend, who was studying at UMS at that time.. a reminder to me, and to everyone..

Rasa CINTA bertandang tanpa diundang,

Ia bukanlah dipelajari dan tidak juga dicari,

Ia adalah fitrah ILAHI,

Dan kerana itulah CINTA tidak salah untuk dirasai,

Serta merasa untuk mencintai dan dicintai,

Namun janganlah sekali-kali menafikan ATURAN CINTA ILAHI…

Kerana di saat itu cintamu bukan lagi CINTA YANG SUCI,

Nyata itu adalah CINTA TERLARANG,

dan pastinya FITRAH kan menjadi FITNAH.


..indeed, it is very true!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011