Wednesday, June 16, 2010

LL4G: Mavi Marmara Raid - cont.

This is just a continuation to what I have posted before, on the Mavi Marmara raid by Pirates Zionist.

Based on the story told by one of the LL4G activists, Mustafa Mansur of MAPIM:

While in the detention camp (prison), there was an Israeli woman named "Gullit" (not sure the correct spelling), claimed herself from the social welfare department (is this real?) came to him (after being tied and torture for up to 15 hours, denied food and not allowed to go to toilet for up to 24 hours, with the riffle pointed at their head at all time):

She asked, "What do you feel?"

Guess what was his answer?

"Few days ago, when we were on our way to Gaza (before being detained by zionist), we still had (reserved) a small space in our hearts for your race (zionist), but after you have done all these (brutal and uncivilized acts) to us, you attacked and detained us, you killed our friends.. there's not a single space left in our heart for your race anymore. "

"And if you do not let us free, we'll make sure that you will receive the worst punishment soon as we have network around the globe!"

What a brave and inspiring answer.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

LL4G: The Real Scene of Mavi Marmara Raid by Pirates Zionist

I have just watched a very special live program held by TV1 Channel of Malaysia, on the Freedom Flotilla Convoy of LL4G. The program was named "Palestin, Kami Bersamamu" (Palestine, We're with You). Honestly, it's very rare for me to watch TV1 due to many factors, but for this special program, it deserves the compliments.

All the 12 Malaysian heroes who had just returned home this morning, were brought to this program to share their real experience, being attacked, detained and tortured by the uncivilized pirates Zionist.

Based on what have been shared by Br. Noorazman Shamsuddin, the Head of the mission from Malaysia, I would like to write a short note on what actually happened during the raid of Mavi Marvara by Pirate Zionist. It was the untold, unpublished, or hidden scene where the whole world is not capable of seeing it. I am very sure the more details descriptions will be published soon by our media, Insya Allah.

This was what really happened. Read and think carefully! It is really shameful if any of us believe in what the CNN and other media controlled by Zionist have reported and told the world. It was a total lie by a real liar. The (fake) videos and pictures were out on website. Look here, or here, but don't trust them. They disabled people from commenting.. well, you know the reason. It is very easy to fake the videos and pictures. They thought they are good, but there are still some funny and foolish things they were not able to hide.

- The first helicopter suddenly came on top of Mavi Marmara and 3 armed commandos went down without any warning or notice. All the activists were shocked and thought that they were just like pirates who wanted to raid the ship, rob all the things, and detain all her passengers. And it was on international water (international water means it doe not not belong to specific country).

What would you do if it happened to you? You must be very stupid if you just sat there and did nothing, unless your mission is not as important as Mavi Marmaras'. The activists just defended themselves, as well as the ship from the pirates. They succeeded to capture the commandos and took control of all their complete arms. Guess what? They found a note brought by the pirates, which had listed down names of people that they need to confront (shot/killed on site), including Sheikh Raed Salah's name, a leading member of the Islamic Movement of Palestine. What was that meant? It meant, they came not to only raid the ship, but also to kill those people.

The Mavi Marmara then directed a spot light to the helicopter, which has (or might have) frightened them, and caused them to leave the ship immediately.

- The second helicopter came for revenge. This time, they shot the Mavi Marmara and activists (using life bullets) before boarding on the ship. Those shots were meant to kill the activists since their bullets have exactly hit some of the activists on their head, faces, and abdomen. Remember this, THEY WERE SHOOTING TO KILL! Because of that, a white flag was raised up by activists, but the pirates Zionist kept shooting at them. The pirates then raided the ship and detained all the activists.

To be continued: Lot of other stories shared by these 12 heroes of Malaysia, Insya Allah.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

LL4G: We Will Reach Gaza

I had the chance to watch Malaysia Hari Ini on TV3 before coming to work this morning. They brought 3 guests - a wife and son of one one of our heroes on Marvi Marmara, and also Dr. Hafizi, the chairman of PACE. I was really touched by the strength and patience shown by the wife even though her husband is now in Israeli's detention. In fact, she would accept whatever happen to her husband, because they all have expected this situation before the convoy began. It could be worse than that - death (syahid).

And what Dr. Hafizi said was really motivating:

Br. Noorazman Shamsuddin, our ex-lecturer of IIUM, and also the Head of the mission from Malaysia said this before the convoy began: their mission is to reach Gaza & deliver all the goods to Gazan themselves, not through the Zionist. They will reach Gaza even if they had to swim to the beach.

And the representative from IHH (Turkish NGO) said: We have plan A, plan B and plan C. Plan A is, we'll reach Gaza, plan B is, we'll reach Gaza, and plan C is, we'll reach Gaza!

They are our heroes (taken from Viva Palestina Facebook)

Masha Allah, they are the chosen people. Full of determination. They don't fear Israelis. They don't fear death. They keep their head high because they believe Allah is always there.

It's good to know that the government (Malaysian) is trying their best to free and bring them back to the country soon. But I doubt whether they are willing to come back, because according to Dr. Hafizi, majority of the activists in the detention chose to stay rather than being sent back to their countries.. yes, not until they have delivered their promises, both to Palestinians and to the community of the world. To go there and being attacked, then sent back to the countries is not simply their mission.

Let's wake up my dear brothers & sisters!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

LL4G: Impak dan Muhasabah

Laungan semangat dan kutukan ke atas Zionist

Dlm beberapa hr kebelakangan ini, terutamanya bermula semalam (31 May 2010), bila konvoi LL4G diserang dengan ganas oleh Zionist Israel, pelbagai kutukan, serta laungan semangat utuk Palestin dan kebencian terhadap Israel menjadi memuncak - di Facebook, Twitter, akhbar, TV, blog, website dll. Alhamdulillah, masih ada di kalangan kita yg peka, walaupun amat sedikit, jika nak dinisbahkan dengan yg tidak peka. Malahan, saya kira masih sangat ramai yg tidak tahu, ataupun tidak mahu ambil tahu.

Sebelum konvoi LL4G ini diserang, ramai ke antara kita yg tahu tentang konvoi tersebut? Belum lagi kita tanya apa yg dimaksudkan dengan 'LL4G', siapa penganjurnya, siapa wakil dari Malaysia? Saya pasti, ramai yg akan terlopong ataupun tergaru-garu kepala yg tidak gatal..

Yang sedihnya, laungan bukan main hebat, kutukan ke atas Zionist bukan main keras, tapi dlm masa yg sama masih lagi menjadi penyokong Zionist. "Eh, bila masa pulak aku sokong mereka?", tentu ramai yg akan menafikan. Tapi ketahuilah, segala tata cara hidup yg tidak selari dengan ajaran Islam, samada pergaulan, pekerjaan, kewangan, perbelanjaan, kekeluargaan, hiburan, dan mcm-mcm lagi, bermakna ia menyokong musuh Islam.

Adakah selepas semua kembali 'reda' dan 'sejuk' (apabila media Zionist mengatakan semua telah ok, walaupun hakikatnya isu ini tidak akan pernah reda), kita juga akan kembali 'reda' dan 'sejuk'? Itulah orang kita, semuanya bermusim..mungkin juga 'mudah lupa'..

Saya berdoa, semoga LL4G ini bakal menjadi titik tolak permulaan kebangkita umat Islam dan masyarakat dunia yg tidak akan ada penghujungnya.

Kemenangan tak akan dtg kepada umat Islam selagi mana kita masih dengan cara hidup seperti sekarang. Bukan main keras lagi kita mengutuk kekejaman Zionist, tp dlm masa yg sama kita 'menghalalkan' judi bola, arak, dll. Dan para ulama pula hanya memilih utk berdiam diri. Bagaimana mungkin Allah nak bantu umat ini. Jakim pula masih sibuk dengan intipan khalwat di bilik-bilik hotel, yg berleluasa dan terang-terangan di taman bunga, di shopping complex dibiarkan.. oh, itu mungkin tak mengapa sbb semua org nampak.

"No to Zionist Israel"

Sesetengah 'ustaz' dan 'golongan agama' pula masih sibuk dengan gerakan 'Anti Wahabi' atau 'Say No to Wahabi' mereka. Bukannya nak buat 'Anti Zionist' atau 'Say No to Zionist'. Yang mereka tahu cumalah mengutuk pihak lain yg tidak sealiran dengan mereka, ataupun yg boleh menutup periuk nasi mereka. Amat memalukan!

Buta sejarah

Berapa ramai yg tahu sejarah perjuangan Palestin dlm menentang Zionist? Juga sejarah penubuhan negara haram Zionist yg ditaja oleh Britain dan sekutu-sekutunya? Sejarah yg telah menyaksikan sebuah negara yg telah dirampas drp tangan umat Islam. Sememangnya kita semua buta sejarah. Dan kalau ada yg tahu pun, ramai yg tidak mengambil iktibar drp sejarah tersebut. Maka sejarah hanya tinggal sejarah. Belum lagi nak diceritakan tentang pelbagai fakta sejarah yg telah diputar belit atau ditutup sama sekali, yg mana berlaku juga dlm silibus pelajaran kita di Malaysia.

Juga ramai yg buta sejarah, ingin mengulas tentang sejarah. Akibatnya, jelaslah kelihatan kedangkalan dan kecetekan tahap pemikirannya..apatah lg yg bercakap itu seorang yg bergelar 'pemimpin' masyarakat. Buku/risalah tentang sejarah Palestin pun tidak pernah dibaca, ceramah-ceramah tentang Palestin juga tidak pernah dihadiri. Lebih baik diam kalau tak tahu!

Peranan kita

Jadi apa peranan kita? Saya menyeru pd semua, berilah sokongan pd perjuangan Palestin ini setiap masa, tiada musim & moodnya, tiada noktah & penghujungnya, sehinggalah kita dijemput kembali kepada Allah.

Bagaimana mahu menyokong?

Pertamanya, kembalilah kepada cara hidup Islam sbgaimana yg Rasulullah dan para salafussoleh tunjukkan. Tegakkan lah kembali silaturrahim sesama kita. Jom kita bersatu, jangan lagi berpuak-puak.

Juga, sebarkanlah maklumat & kesedaran kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat agar mereka peka akan isu ini. Banyakkan membaca. Sertailah program dan kempen yg dilancarkan.

Akhir sekali, jgn lupa harap hanya pada Allah, kerana kekuatan dan kemenangan hanya datang drp-Nya. Tapi sebelum kemenangan itu menjadi milik kita, ada syarat yg perlu kita penuhi, ada janji yg perlu kita tunaikan, dan mungkin ada pengorbanan yg perlu kita lakukan. Tanpa pengorbanan dan penat lelah selama bertahun-tahun, segulung ijazah tak mungkin menjadi milik seorang graduan, kerana ijazah tersebut tidak boleh dibeli atau diperoleh dengan jalan singkat.

Saya teringat kata seorang sahabat ketika di Penang, kalau nak ikutkan hati yg marah, nak saja berdoa dan harap Allah akan bagi kita satu kuasa luar biasa, contohnya boleh halimunan ke, boleh pergi ke Israel dan sembelih satu-persatu tentera dan pemimpin Zionist. Tapi kalau kita doa walau bagaimana hebat pun, nescaya Allah tidak akan kurniakan kemampuan sedemikian (hakikatnya Allah Maha Berkuasa mengurniakan apa saja). Kenapa? Sebab itu bukanlah fitrah dan wajah agama Islam yg kita nak tonjolkan, memperoleh kemenanga dengan cara singkat, 'ajaib' dan 'mistik' (yg mana ramai org kita suka).

Selamat maju jaya. Semoga Allah memberi kefahaman & kekuatan yg lebih kepada saya sendiri.