Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Cry is Still On: Do We Care?

No mother, no father to wipe away the tears

"The Cry is Still On: Do We Care?"
was the topic of a Palestinian talk delivered by Br. Noorazman Shamsudin from Haluan Palestin last month at IIUM Main Auditorium. Congratulation to the IIUM Journalism Club for successfully organizing such a good event for everyone. The Auditorium was full on that night, attended by both our local & international brothers & sisters, as well as the outsiders.

I wanted to write something on it just after the program has finished, but I wasn't able to do so. Alhamdulillah, at last I manage to say something here. I just want to 'copy & paste' some meaningful messages written by the organizer on the pamphlets. Hopefully it will make us more concern about our Palestinian brothers & sisters there.

According to Br. Noorazman, who has attended several convoys to Palestine, there is no break of attack by zionists in Palestine, though it is not mentioned by the media. It also means that in every minute, days & nights our brothers & sisters there are fighting the zionists.


Together we can bring change.

We are requesting all the Muslims and people of all faiths and opinions to join the boycott to bring about the speedy end to this brutal occupation and restore peace in the Middle East.

The aim of the boycott campaign is to deny Israel the financial means to continue killing Palestinians and occupying the lands. Israel is committing crimes against the Palestinian Muslims and humanity. Palestine is the land of the first Qibla, the land of Isra & Masjid Al-Aqsa.

Israel has ignored all UN Resolutions & Geneva Convention on Human Rights in relation to the Muslims of Palestine. Israel has expelled her inhabitants, spilled their blood, violated their honour, destroyed their houses, burnt their fields and corrupted the lands.

We are seeking your support and co-operation in boycotting Israeli goods and the companies supporting Israel financially. Your attitude, habits & lifestyle can make a world of difference to the lives of million of Palestinians under the brutal occupation of Israel. An effective economic boycott of Israeli goods and the companies supporting Israel financially will cripple (with Allah's will) their military.


I still remember, and I'd always remember a phrase said by the moderator on that night, "The money in your pocket now is not yours, but the money that you donate is actually yours."

So let us contribute something to our Palestinian brothers & sisters. RM1 that we donate here may ease their burden there, give them food, drinks & medicine, or it may represent one bullet to fight against the zionist.
